Carrot empanadas with cheese recipe

Corn empanadas are very popular in Venezuela and Colombia. A delicious empanada accompanied by juice or coffee brightens anyone’s day. The variety of versions and fillings make the empanada an option for those who want variety in their mornings and afternoons. Its crunchy texture on the outside and smooth on the inside is capable of enveloping the most delicious secret flavors.

Well, this time, we will teach you how to prepare some very original fried empanadas, made with corn flour but with an extra ingredient in the dough that will make them taste a little sweeter… we will make carrot empanadas.

Let’s go then with the ingredients, which are very few, and the instructions so that you can enjoy these delicious carrot and cheese empanadas today, you will surely want to repeat!

Ingredients to make Carrot Empanadas with cheese:

  • 2 medium carrots
  • 2½ cups of cornmeal (300 grams)
  • ½ cup of water (120 milliliters)
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 100 milliliters of vegetable oil

How to make Cheesy Carrot Empanadas:

The first step to make these corn flour empanadas is to wash, remove the outer skin and grate the carrot. Booking.

Then grate the cheese and reserve separately. Also take advantage and place the flour in a bowl to make the dough for the empanadas.

To make these carrot empanadas we have used white cheese but if you want, you can use any other type of salty or semi fresh cheese, in any case it is important that you grate it. Add warm water to the bowl with the corn flour along with a pinch of salt and knead until you achieve a compact but smooth dough. The dough for the Venezuelan empanadas should not stick to your hands, nor crack, that will be the ideal point of the dough for homemade empanadas. Next, add the carrot to the dough and mix well.  When you have your soft and compact cornmeal and carrot dough ready, make a ball and divide it into equal parts, of medium size, which will be the vegetarian empanadas.

Use a sheet of plastic wrap, either bag or cling film to line the work table. Then place each of the dough balls on top. Spread the dough with your fingers until it forms something similar to a circle and deposit a generous amount of cheese in the center, but not protruding towards the edges.

Close the dough until it forms a semicircle, joining the edges, with the help of the bag. Use a deep container upside down to shape the empanada and cut the dough.

Then remove the plastic wrap and set aside the remaining dough to use for the other veggie empanadas. Take the empanada very carefully and take it to fry directly or place it on a plate, while you finish the others. Previously prepare a frying pan with enough oil, wait for it to be very hot and fry the carrot patties carefully to avoid splashing the oil. Wait a few minutes on each side until you see that they are golden and crispy. Carrot and cheese empanadas, unlike a cornmeal empanada, have a slightly sweet flavor that, combined with the hot melted cheese, creates an addictive effect. You will want to repeat many times!

Very healthy vegetarian empanadas

As a nutritional source, this vegetarian carrot and cheese empanada gives you the wonders of vegetables and proteins.

The carrot contains a high content of vitamins and minerals, it also represents a much higher amount of carbohydrates compared to other vegetables. The cheese provides proteins, essential amino acids in adequate proportion, minerals and especially the contribution of calcium, selenium and phosphorus. Together these two foods provide you with many of the nutrients you need to start the day with a lot of energy.

This appetizer is ideal for people with celiac disease, although the label of corn flour should be read carefully as some are enriched with cereals that contain traces of gluten.

Finally, remember that although the most popular cooking is in oil, if you do not want to make fried empanadas, you can also make them roasted in the oven.

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