Carrot and Tomato Salad Recipe

The carrot and tomato salad is ideal to complement your lunches or for those who like a healthy diet. With easy-to-find and cheap ingredients, you will make a spectacular recipe that you will also have ready in the blink of an eye.

Keep reading the step by step of this new recipe and try a new fresh salad, a simple and different dish to add color to your daily menu.

Ingredients to make Carrot and Tomato Salad:

  • 1 Carrot
  • 1 large onion
  • 1 tomato
  • 1 squeezed lemon
  • 1 tablespoon of Vinegar
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 splash of olive oil

How to make Carrot Tomato Salad:

Get the ingredients ready to make this fresh salad. So, grate the carrot, cut the onion in half rings and cut the tomato also in half rings. In a container or salad bowl, add the onion, carrot and tomato. Mix well so that the flavors are distributed evenly.

Now all that remains is to dress the carrot salad. To do so, add the lemon juice along with a little vinegar, oil and salt to taste.

Tip: If you want, you can add a little sugar.

Carrot and tomato salad is ideal for any occasion. Remember that it is a fresh salad that you can serve as a garnish for dishes such as grilled haunch or oven-roasted chicken.

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