Carrot and potato cream recipe

Creams are always a delicious and nutritious option for the days when we want to enjoy a light dinner or an easy-to-digest starter. This potato and carrot cream recipe is no exception. It is a rich and perfect preparation for children, especially if vegetables are not their favorites.

In this article, we tell you all the details of this quick and easy dish to make. A recipe that you can accompany with croutons or with a boiled egg. Stay with us and discover how to make carrot and potato cream.

Ingredients to make Carrot and Potato Cream:

  • 6 carrots
  • 3 potatoes
  • 1 onion
  • 100 milliliters of liquid cream
  • 1 liter of water
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • parsley to taste
  • 1 tablet of Avecrem
  • 1 clove garlic

How to make Carrot and Potato Cream:

  1. Cut the carrots and potatoes into slices. Cut the onion into cubes. Also chop the garlic into small pieces and reserve.
  2. In a deep pot, put the oil to fry the onions until they are transparent.
  3. Add the rest of the vegetables and pour the liter of water into the pot, along with the Avecrem tablet, the liquid cream and the condiments. Let everything cook until the vegetables soften.
  4. Pour everything into a blender or grinder until you have the carrot and potato cream ready. Serve and enjoy!

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