Carrot and orange smoothie

Ingredients to make Carrot and Orange Smoothie:

  • 3 carrots
  • 2 Oranges
  • 1 piece of ginger
  • 1 golden apple (optional)

How to make Orange Carrot Smoothie:

  1. To make this multivitamin smoothie, the first step is to wash the carrots and peel them. Then, we cut them into pieces and place them in a high-rimmed container or the blender.
  2. If you use organic ingredients, we need you to discard the skin, you can leave everything whole.
  3. Blend the carrots well and add the juice of the two oranges together with a small piece of ginger, no more than one centimeter.
  4. Remember that if the oranges are organic you can add them whole, previously cut into small pieces. When the juice is ready, it will suffice to pass it through a strainer.
  5. To finish, add the golden apple and blend everything again. The apple will give the sweet touch to our fruit smoothie. In this way our carrot and orange smoothie will be ready and you can enjoy it at breakfast time.
  6. Remember that this multivitamin juice provides vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber to our body.

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