Cardo recipe with clams

If you want to enjoy a delicacy without feeling guilty and, moreover, prepared in a short time, the thistle with clams recipe is what you need. In this article we share the step by step so that you can prepare this dish without complications and in a jiffy. In addition, we explain its main properties so that you can learn about all the benefits that this recipe can bring to your body.

The combination of flavors that this dish offers is really spectacular and best of all, it is a healthy dish. Keep reading to discover with us how to make thistle with clams and surprise with a different but tasty dish.

Ingredients to make thistle with clams:

  •  1 kilogram of raw and clean clams
  •  300 grams of canned cardoons, cooked or raw
  •  1 onion
  •  2 cloves of garlic
  •  1 small glass of wine
  •  2 teaspoons of cornmeal
  •  1 bunch of chopped parsley
  •  1 splash of olive oil
  •  1 small glass of water

How to make thistle with clams:

Pass the clams under water to remove excess sand, clean the thistle and cut it into pieces. Remember that you can use both fresh and canned cardoons. If you are using fresh thistle, you should cook it in boiling water until it is tender.

Heat a splash of olive oil in a saucepan and chop the onion and garlic cloves. When the oil is hot, sauté the garlic and onion over medium heat until the onion turns translucent without browning too much.

Tip: You can add chopped almonds to the sauce to enhance the flavor and thus obtain a delicious cardoon dish with clams and almonds.

Introduce the closed clams and fry them together with the onion and garlic for only 1 minute. Meanwhile, chop the parsley and prepare the wine and water to have these ingredients on hand.

Add the flour, stir for 30 seconds and pour in the wine. Let the alcohol evaporate and add the water to let everything cook over high heat for 3 minutes.

Tip: The flour thickens the cardoon sauce with clams, but if you prefer you can eliminate it.

Finally, introduce the thistles, stir and cook for 5 minutes with the pan covered. You will notice that the sauce is delicious looking and slightly thick.

Tip: You can add other ingredients, such as prawns, prawns, artichokes or cockles. In the case of artichokes, we recommend boiling them first.

All that remains is to bring the dish to the table and garnish with chopped fresh parsley, nothing more will be needed because the flavor of the clam mixed with that of the thistle makes this a dish of 10. You can serve this recipe for thistle with clams as an aperitif or as dinner.

Tip: To make cardoon with clams in green sauce, add the chopped parsley to the pan when you add the cardoon.

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