Carbonara Pizza Recipe

Pizza is a baked flatbread whose base is made with wheat flour, salt, water and yeast. Usually covered in tomato sauce and can be made from various ingredients, this is an artisanal dish that has been considered fast food. In this recipe we are going to make a carbonara pizza including the main ingredients of carbonara pasta, bacon and milk or cream.

Ingredients to make Pizza Carbonara:

  1. 4 units of homemade pizza dough
  2. 2 units of white onion
  3. 200 milliliters of Pizza sauce
  4. 1 pinch of oregano
  5. 120 milliliters of milk cream
  6. 150 grams of mozzarella cheese
  7. 180 grams of Bacon or turkey bacon
  8. 1 pinch of garlic paste
  9. 1 pinch of salt
  10. 1 pinch of Pepper
  11. 100 grams of Parmesan cheese

How to make Pizza carbonara:

  • Our first step is to prepare our ingredients for our homemade pizza.
  • Cut the turkey bacon into thin strips and put them in a frying pan with a tablespoon of sunflower oil, let the bacon brown and reserve it in a bowl to use later.
  • Once you remove the bacon, add the onion cut into thin strips and fry it in the same pan where we had the bacon, this will give the preparation a delicious flavor. Once the onion takes on a transparent and medium golden color, remove it from the pan.
  • Take the pizza dough to an oven tray; in this case I’m going to make individual pizzas for each person. Add a little of the tomato sauce for pizza and distribute very well to make our carbonara pizza
  • In a bowl, mix the fried onion and bacon.
  • Add the milk cream, oregano and a little garlic paste to taste. Mix very well until the ingredients of our base for the homemade carbonara pizza are integrated.
  • Add the mozzarella cheese on top of the tomato sauce and distribute very well throughout the preparation.
  • Add the carbonara base on top of the mozzarella cheese as seen in the photograph, if it is difficult for you to get bacon or turkey bacon you can do it with pork bacon. I wanted to work with this product since it is less fatty than pork bacon.
  • Finally, add Parmesan cheese on top of the homemade pizzas, bring the oven tray to about 180ºC for approximately 12 to 15 minutes, it is important that the cheeses melt completely.
  • Serve the carbonara pizza by cutting it into four pieces; let’s remember that I wanted to make the pizzas a little smaller, so the size is perfect for one slice. I wanted to make this recipe for four people but if you want to make a larger pizza it is totally valid.

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