Caramel custard recipe

When they name homemade custard, surely grandma’s custard with that sweet flavor of cinnamon and vanilla comes to mind. Well, in this article today we bring you a new recipe: caramel custard.

To achieve a sweet taste without being cloying and to eliminate the citrus touches of the orange, we have voluntarily omitted the orange peel when cooking the milk. But don’t worry, cinnamon is the protagonist. Let’s go step by step to learn how to make these homemade caramel custard.

Ingredients to make Caramel Custard:

  • 1 tablespoon of flour
  • 1 glass of milk
  • 2 tablespoons of Sugar
  • 1 unit of egg yolk
  • 2 tablespoons of liquid caramel
  • 1 pinch of Cinnamon powder

How to make Caramel Custard:

  1. We ready the ingredients that we are going to use in the caramel custard recipe that we are going to prepare without the touch of citrus.
  2. Remember that you can make the caramel yourself following the liquid caramel recipe.
  3. Having everything on the table, the first thing to do to prepare these homemade custards is to boil the milk with a little cinnamon.
  4. In my case I have used cinnamon powder, but if you have a stick, it is easier to remove it later.
  5. Once the milk with the cinnamon has boiled, strain the milkto remove the lumps that will form
  6. The cinnamon powder is not going to dissolve so you will have to strain the mixture if you want the appearance of your caramel custard to be attractive to the eyes of diners. Let rest for a few minutes.
  7. In a container we have the egg yolk, sugar and a little caramel. We mix well.
  8. Next, we add a little more carameland flour. We integrate conscientiously so that there are no lumps in the homemade custard recipe.
  9. Pour the yolk mixture over the milk and add the rest of the caramel. Heat over low heat,stirring constantly, until the custard mixture thickens.
  10. Before the caramel custard boils, we remove them from the heat and continue stirringwhile they finish thickening.
  11. As you can see in the photo we are going to get some bubbles. That means they are on point.
  12. Pour the homemade custard into the containers in which we are going to consume it and let it set in the refrigerator.
  13. I usually do it from one day to the next but with 4 or 6 hours they should be there.
  14. As you can see, the homemade caramel custardrecipe is made very quickly, although you have to let them cool in the fridge.

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