Candied orange recipe

The orange is a citrus fruit with many varieties: there are sweet, bitter oranges, special oranges for juice or for the table. But, ultimately, they are aromatic, appetizing and, although they usually reach their perfect ripening point in winter, we can enjoy them all year round.

With that in mind, we are going to prepare a candied orange recipe that you can use to decorate roscones, cakes, pastries or to prepare them with chocolate. The acid sweetness of oranges makes them one of the most used fruits in desserts, so if you like these ideas, we invite you to discover how to make candied orange. You will have it ready in no time and you will only need 4 ingredients.

Ingredients to make Candied Orange:

  • 2 oranges
  • 200 grams of sugar (1 cup)
  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 dessert spoon of salt

How to make Candied Orange:

  1. Wash the oranges meticulously to remove any traces of sulfates or soil.
  2. Cut them into very thin slices with a knife that is as sharp as possible.
  3. Remove the slices from the ends, as you will not be using them.
  4. Put the orange slices in a saucepan and cover them with water and salt. Let them boil for 4 minutes to remove the bitter taste from the orange.
  5. Remove the water with a strainer under the tap and rinse carefully so as not to spoil the slices.
  6. Another option is to drain the salted water and submerge them in clean water again to clean them.
  7. Now the main part of the recipe begins.
  8. Fill a saucepan with water, add the sugar and dissolve it.
  9. Put the water to heat and add the orange slices again. Let cook for an hour over low heat, they will slowly absorb the sugar and form a syrup.
  10. Once the time has elapsed, the candied oranges will be ready. You can strain the juice in which you cooked them or reserve them in it.
  11. Let them drain and dry on a wire tray so that they cool down and become less soft.
  12. Transfer them to a plate or use them as you prefer. If you like the mixture of candied oranges with chocolate, you can bathe them in melted chocolate and keep them in the fridge to solidify.
  13. It will be a perfect unexpected dessert to surprise your loved ones!


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