Canary Sancocho Recipe

Ingredients to make Canarian Sancocho:

  • For six people:
  • A Cherne or a Corvina of three kg., salted. These two fish have been surplus species on the islands thanks to the Canary-Saharan bank.
  • Two kg of potatoes (potatoes), of the Cara or King Edward variety, of excellent cooking.
  • A white sweet potato of one and a half kg (sweet potato)
  • One kg of Gofio (semi-toasted corn flour), an essential element in the Canarian diet.
  • Optional a ripe banana or three teaspoons of sugar.
  • To enjoy this delicacy from the south, it is essential to eat it with Canarian mojo or mojo picón, originally from the same place.
  • For the Canarian mojo:
  • three garlic
  • a pinch of coarse salt
  • a tablespoon of paprika
  • half a liter of oil
  • one hundred milliliters of wine vinegar
  • four tablespoons of ground cumin
  • half a liter of very cold water
  • optional swear word pepper

How to make Canarian Sancocho:

1.The Sancocho Canario is the typical food, par excellence, of the Canary Islands.

2.It comes from Gran Canaria, like almost all the gastronomy of this archipelago.

3.The fish is desalted at least twenty-four hours before, changing the water every four hours.

4.We take the last desalination water to parboil the potatoes (stew the potatoes), when they are half cooked we add the sweet potato.

5.The potatoes have to be peeled but not the sweet potato, just cut into as many pieces as there are diners.

6.Finally add the fish and turn off, rectifying salt.

7.We drain the water and place two or three potatoes, a piece of sweet potato and a couple of pieces of fish.

8.To accompany this dish, the kneaded gofio Pella is essential. Take the gofio and with the water from cooking the fish we form a fine and homogeneous dough to which we add the banana or sugar to taste.

9.This Pella is attached on the plate.

10.For the mojo, take the garlic and grind it in the blender, add the paprika, salt, vinegar, cumin and oil and grind everything; rectify to taste and finally add the ice water slowly while beating to thicken.

11.This mojo is the sauce that bathes the whole. To eat.

12.If you can’t thicken you can use white breadcrumbs.

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