Canarian Chicken Soup Recipe

We are going to prepare a delicious recipe for Canarian chicken soup, a very good chicken broth that is combined with chickpeas and noodles, a very complete traditional dish. This dish is very similar to any stew or broth dish, only with some variations. In this case, the typical thing is to give the broth a little color and accompany it with some not too thick noodles. Finally, the touch of this soup is put by some mint leaves.

This soup is made from chicken, beef and vegetables. It can be accompanied by raw or cooked chickpeas, as well as noodles. Although it is a spoon dish that is traditionally prepared over low heat as our grandmothers did, you can have it ready in less time if you do it in a pressure cooker or pressure cooker.

Ingredients to make Canarian Chicken Soup:

  • 2 chicken thighs and carcasses
  • 1 piece of beef
  • 1 veal bone
  • 1 onion
  • 1 green bell pepper
  • 1 carrots
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 200 grams of dried or cooked chickpeas
  • 1 package of medium noodles, not too thick
  • 1 sprig of mint
  • 1 dessert spoon of paprika or saffron
  • 1 pinch of salt

How to make Canarian Chicken Soup:

  1. Prepare all the ingredients. Wash and chop the carrot, the pepper and the onion into pieces, and the tomato in half. Use the whole garlic. Wash the meat and clean it of fat and skins. You can use canned chickpeas or use raw chickpeas, but raw chickpeas must be soaked overnight before use.
  2. Add all the ingredients to a saucepan with a splash of oil and a tablespoon of paprika. Cover with water and let cook for 40 minutes.
  3. Once this time has passed, check that the chicken is already tender, taste the salt and see if the chickpeas are ready. Let cook until everything is ready. When it’s ready, strain the Canarian chicken broth and put it in another saucepan over the heat, add the noodles and chickpeas.
  4. Check the soup to confirm that the noodles are ready. Salt test to rectify and turn off when ready.
  5. Add a few mint leaves to taste in the soup bowl, or you can also add them when you are making the noodles.
  6. Serve the Canarian chicken soup piping hot and accompanied by the chicken and vegetables. You can chop the latter so that they are well integrated into the dish.

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