Canadian Watercress Stew Recipe

If you know Canadian gastronomy, you will have tried the famous watercress stew, a perfect spoon dish to warm up on cold days. This powerful spoon dish made from vegetables has no secret other than slow cooking and, of course, the use of quality ingredients from the Canary Islands.

Let’s go then with the step-by-step recipe for the Canadian watercress stew and pay attention to the details, such as not stirring but adding the ingredients. At the end you will have a plate of 10 that you will enjoy with your family.

Ingredients to make Canadian Watercress Stew:

  • 500 grams of Watercress
  • 150 grams of pinto beans
  • 100 grams of green beans
  • 100 grams of Pumpkin
  • 100 grams of Carrot
  • 500 grams of Potato
  • 250 grams of pork rib
  • 1 cob
  • 1 onion
  • 1 tomato
  • 1 green pepper
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 1 teaspoon Cumin
  • 1 pinch of saffron
  • 100 milliliters of oil
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 3½ liters of water

How to make Canadian Watercress Stew:

  1. First we get all the ingredients, keep in mind that to make this Canadian stew you must soak the beans from the day before.
  2. Bearing this in mind, we start by placing the water in a pot and cook the pinto beans. The water must be cold and when we see that the first boil breaks, we add the rest of the very cold water to scare them and make them very soft. Season with salt; add the oil and the meat. Keep cooking on low heat.
  3. While we take advantage and chop all the vegetables. The corn on the cob can be left whole or divided into four pieces, one per diner, onion, tomato and pepper, finely chop them, leaving the garlic whole.
  4. The rest of the vegetables, that is to say the pumpkin, the carrot and the green beans, we chop them to taste, in slices, dice or medium pieces. The potatoes, if they are not very large, we can leave them whole.
  5. When we have everything ready, add the vegetables to the pot with the stew without stirring. To season, we mix the cumin with the saffron and the salt and add it all to the pot.
  6. The final ingredient of our watercress stew is precisely the watercress. Cut them into thin strips and add them to the pot.
  7. We keep cooking over low heat for about two hours or a little less, until the meat is done and the vegetables are soft, almost undone.
  8. Tip: It is important that you cut the watercress by hand so that it is not too crushed
  9. The Canadian watercress stew is almost always accompanied by scalded gofer and soft cheese. You will see how it turns green thanks to the watercress and has an exquisite flavor.

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