Can rice be frozen?

Freezing food is almost always a good option, especially if you’ve overcooked or want to save time in the kitchen. However, despite being a good idea, not all foods can be preserved like this. One of the most consulted doubts is if rice can be frozen or not, but the good thing is that it can be frozen.

In this article we will clear all doubts about how to freeze rice and how to defrost it, whether it is dry, broth, or rice pudding. So, if you cooked a lot of paella or any other recipe with rice, keep reading and discover all the techniques and tips you need to know to preserve it properly.

How to freeze cooked rice?

If you need to freeze rice it will be very useful to know the proper process to do it. The first thing you should know is that the ideal way to freeze rice is dry, that is, freeze cooked rice without sauces or broths. Cooked rice can last up to 1 month frozen, while refrigerated it lasts 2 or 3 days. To know how to freeze cooked rice without any other ingredients, just follow these steps:

  1. Freeze rice right after cooking, you can freeze leftovers after eating. If you are going to freeze the rice to add it to another recipe later, leave it somewhat raw so that it is not too dry when you prepare it.
  2. Let the rice cool to prevent clumping and give it a good texture when thawed.
  3. Add a dash of light oil to prevent sticking and stir.
  4. Distribute the rice in portions of 200 g or whatever you are going to consume per person. Store the portions in well-wrapped pieces of plastic wrap.
  5. Store the portions in a special container or bag for freezing food. Blow the air out of the bag before closing it.
  6. Label the bag or container so you know what date you stored the rice.
  7. Store the rice in the freezer. If you used a bag, don’t stack it with other foods that will crush it so it doesn’t clump together. Try to accommodate them well stretched and flat so they don’t make ice around them. Leave room for air to circulate around the bag or container.

How to freeze cooked rice with more ingredients?

You already know that freezing dry rice is super easy, but how do you freeze cooked rice with additional ingredients? Nor is it something from another world, but you must take into account certain details that we explain below.

How to freeze dry rice?

To freeze chicken rice, vegetable rice, paellas or other similar rice, just follow the steps we use to freeze boiled rice, but it is important to take these additional steps into account.

  1. Sauté the vegetables or meats that are going to accompany the rice (either for paella or other recipes). Let the soffit cool down and store in a special bag or container for freezing food.
  2. Freeze dry rice separately. If it is paella, also freeze the broth separately from the rice.
  3. Once thawed, you can gather all the ingredients and reheat them.
  4. This type of preparation will last about 15 days in the freezer and 1-3 days refrigerated.

If you have questions about how to freeze other foods, we invite you to visit our article How to Freeze Vegetables.

How to freeze broth rice?

In case you want to freeze rice in broth, follow all the steps to freeze cooked rice, but change a few things and follow these steps:

  1. Strain the preparation. Reserve the rice on one side and the broth on the other.
  2. Wrap the rice in plastic wrap before packing it.
  3. Pour the broth into a container or bag.
  4. You can also cook the rice and broth separately from the beginning.
  5. Put the containers in the freezer. It will last you about 15 days frozen and 1-3 days refrigerated in the fridge.

Can rice pudding be frozen?

Many of us love rice pudding or rice pudding, and we like to have a good portion whenever we feel like it. For this reason, sometimes we over prepare, but the problem is that this dessert only stays fresh for 4 days in the fridge.

So, the big question arises: can it be frozen? The answer is simple: yes you can freeze rice pudding. Once frozen, it can last for a month or even longer. To know how to freeze rice pudding, follow the steps below:

  1. Freeze the rice pudding when it is freshly cooked.
  2. Do not add extra ingredients such as raisins or nuts to the cooking. Reserve them and add them when you defrost and heat it again. On the other hand, it is advisable to add more milk.
  3. Let it sit at room temperature and allow it to cool before freezing.
  4. Stir it well so that the rice pudding is homogeneous.
  5. If you prepared a very liquid rice pudding, strain the rice and reserve the liquid separately.
  6. Divide the rice into 200 g portions and distribute it in containers with lids or freezer bags. Reserve the liquid in another container.
  7. Take the air out of the freezer bags and insert them inside another bag to ensure that the food is completely isolated.
  8. Label the container or bag with the date you put it in the freezer.
  9. Put the rice pudding in the freezer and make sure that air circulates around the container. Avoid putting other foods on top so as not to mistreat it.
  10. Once thawed, you can’t refreeze it, but you can refrigerate it. It will last up to 2 days refrigerated.
  11. Once reheated, you will not be able to cook it again.

Tip: Freezing raisins is not recommended as they become hard and dry.

How to defrost rice?

Just as freezing food has its art, thawing it also has its own, because defrosting a food badly can ruin it. Don’t worry, there are different very effective and simple options that guarantee a good final result, you just have to choose the one that seems best to you and best suits your needs. Of course, whatever the method you select, always take into account the following tips:

  • If you thaw rice in the microwave, always do it in intervals, otherwise the rice will be very cooked around the edges but cold in the middle.
  • Never immerse rice in hot water to thaw it. If you do, the sudden change in temperature can accelerate the growth of harmful bacteria.
  • Never leave it at room temperature to defrost it or it will risk being damaged.

How to Thaw Rice in the Refrigerator?

Now, let’s look at the easiest and most effective methods of defrosting rice, starting with the refrigerator. This method is one of the safest, since it smoothest out the change in temperature and prevents the reproduction of dangerous bacteria. To use this method, you just have to follow the following instructions:

  1. Transfer the frozen rice to the refrigerator.
  2. Spread the packages out so they thaw evenly.
  3. Place a tray under the packages to contain the water.
  4. Also defrost other ingredients such as broth or vegetables.
  5. Leave the rice in the fridge for about 12 hours or overnight. Break up large lumps with a spoon to speed up the process.
  6. Thawed rice will last 2-3 days in the refrigerator.

How to defrost rice in the microwave?

If you are looking for the fastest, easiest and most effective technique to defrost rice, here it is: the microwave. If you thaw rice like this, you must eat it right away or it will go bad. To apply this method you only need to follow the following steps:

  1. Heat the rice in the microwave at 1-minute intervals with 30-second breaks in between.  Program the defrost option and lower the power. It’s ready when you see steam.
  2. Add a tablespoon of cold water to the rice if it is too dry. Do it at every rest interval.
  3. Do not reheat rice after thawing.

How to defrost rice in an inverted water bath?

This method is similar to thawing rice in the refrigerator, as it avoids dramatic changes in temperature. It’s a quicker way to thaw rice, but it only lasts 1 day after thawing. Follow these steps to apply it:

  1. Put the container of rice in a zip-lock bag. This is to prevent water from getting into the rice.
  2. Place it in a wide and deep saucepan. Defrost maximum 4 or 3 bags at a time.
  3. Pour cold water over the containers or bags. Add enough water, but don’t overcrowd the pot.
  4. Check every 10 minutes to see if the rice is already defrosted.
  5. This method can take between 20-30 minutes. If you thaw multiple packages, it can take up to 1 hour.
  6. Once defrosted, remove the packaging and dry it. Microwave in 1-minute intervals with 30-second breaks until hot enough to consume.

How to defrost cooked rice with other ingredients?

There are people who freeze dry rice to always have it on hand and use it in other preparations. If this is your case, you will not need to defrost it with the previous methods; you will only have to incorporate it directly into the recipe by following these steps:

  1. Place the frozen rice in a deep plate and separate it. Break up the lumps carefully.
  2. Incorporate the rice in a skillet or nonstick skillet with the rest of the ingredients.
  3. Stir lightly until it is integrated into the preparation and continue with the rest of the recipe.

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