Calamari with spinach recipe

Squids are very rich in omega 3 essential fatty acids that play a protective role against circulatory problems. Another of its virtues is that they do not contain cholesterol. They contain a good amount of copper and are a particularly protein food. Accompanied by spinach and tomato, this stewed squid with spinach recipe is very rich in vitamins, antioxidants, iron and fiber, with a low intake of fat and calories.

We can keep the squid ink bags by freezing them and in this way, we will have them available to prepare a recipe for black rice or another spaghetti sauce, for example.

Ingredients to make Calamari with spinach:

  • 600 grams of squid
  • 600 grams of spinach
  • 350 grams of tomato sauce
  • 6 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • 3 sprigs of parsley
  • 1 unit of Chili
  • 1 small glass of white wine
  • 1 teaspoon salt

How to make Calamari with Spinach:

  1. We clean the squid’s well, wash, drain and cut them into rings.
  2. Then, peel and chop a clove of garlic, clean and chop half the parsley, add the chili pepper and fry this hashfor the squid
  3. With spinach over low heat in a saucepan with three tablespoons of olive oil for a few minutes.
  4. Next, we add the squid, stir with a wooden spoon, season and let it take on flavor.
  5. Then we add the wine and wait for the alcohol to evaporate.
  6. Then we add the tomato sauce, rectify the salt and let it cook for 45 minutes, stirring from time to time.
  7. If you want to make a homemade tomato sauce write down this recipe.
  8. Meanwhile, we clean the spinach, wash and boil in a pot with boiling water and a little salt.
  9. Once cooked, drain them, chop them small and fry them for 4 or 5 minutesin a pan with the rest of the oil that remains, adding a peeled and crushed garlic clove.
  10. Next, we remove the garlic and add the spinach to the squid.
  11. Add salt if necessary and continue cooking for another 15 minutes over low heat, stirring often.
  12. Clean and chop the rest of the parsley and theremaining garlic cloves, previously peeled, and add them to the stewed squid with spinach when there are a few minutes left to finish cooking.
  13. Once it is well done, we can serve the calamari with spinach

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