
Ingredients to make Caipirinha:

  • 60 milliliters of Cachaça or Brazilian rum
  • 2 tablespoons of white sugar
  • 1 unit of Lime or green lemon
  • 1 glass of crushed ice

How to make Caipirinha:

  1. To prepare an authentic caipirinha, the first thing you should do is cut the lime into wedges. Lima is the name given to the green lemon in many parts of Europe and the world.
  2. This typical Brazilian drink is prepared and served in the classic whiskey glass, the short, wide-mouthed glass. Add the lime wedges and sugar. The amount of sugar can vary, it all depends on how sweet you want your cocktail.
  3. Next, macerate the limes with the sugar with the help of a mortar, crush everything until it forms a lemon-sweetened paste.
  4. Then fill the glass with the crushed ice. If you can’t get crushed ice, you can make it yourself by hitting regular ice or lightly crushing it in a blender. Fill the glass to the top.
  5. Finally add the cachaça and mix with the help of a rod or a mixer. Beat well so that the liquor is integrated with the sugar paste and lemon and cools with ice. Cachaça is a special Brazilian brandy to prepare caipirinhas, it is a kind of rum and if you don’t have it, you can substitute white rum, but your drink will no longer be an authentic caipirinha.
  6. Garnish with a slice of lemon and enjoy your authentic Brazilian caipirinha with friends.
  7. Finally we will finish filling the glass with crushed ice.
  8. We will decorate the cocktail with a curved straw or with a wicker umbrella, very suitable for all summer cocktails.

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