Cachapas Recipe

Cachapas are a typical dish from Venezuela, Ecuador, Colombia and Costa Rica, they resemble a pancake but are made from ground corn, water, sugar, oil and salt. Generally, they are filled with white cheese, fried pork, shredded meat or chicken, although they are also eaten on their own with a dab of butter. In other countries they are known as chorreada, corn arepa, and jojoto corn arepa and corn tortilla.

This recipe for Venezuelan cachapas is easy to prepare, you can buy the whole cob and shell it, or use frozen or canned corn to make your job easier. Of course, you must drain it and wash it very well before using it

Ingredients to make Cachapas:

  • 2 cups of shelled corn
  • 1 cup of water or milk
  • 2 tablespoons of butter
  • 2 eggs (optional)
  • 4 tablespoons of sugar
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 4 tablespoons of corn flour
  • Hand cheese or mozzarella (optional)

How to make Cachapas:

  1. Shell the corn and wash it under running water for a few minutes, drain well before using.
  2. In a blender or processor, pour the corn grains together with the sugar and salt, process and add the milk little by little.
  3. Lastly, add the melted butter and eggs if you used.
  4. Transfer the mixture to a bowl and add two tablespoons of cornmeal, mix well and wait 5 minutes.
  5. Add the others if necessary, there should be a thick and thick dough.
  6. In a frying pan or bud are, heat a tablespoon of butter.
  7. You can also use vegetable oil, keep in mind that this dough is sticky and this will prevent it from burning and sticking.
  8. Pour a portion of the mixture with the help of a ladle and spread it well.
  9. Cook each side over medium heat for about 6 minutes.
  10. When it begins to dry on top, peel off the edges carefully and turn the cachapa over, add the cheese so that it melts while the other side cooks.
  11. Close the cachapa in half and cook for about 2 more minutes on each side.
  12. Serve your Venezuelan cachapas with a piece of butter on top or the accompaniment of your choice, enjoy!

Venezuelan Cachapas – Variants

Cachapas are an essential dish in Venezuelan cuisine, as they are found in popular markets and are usually enjoyed on family Sundays. It is so much so that there are prepared flours to make cachapas that only need water and/or oil.

Also, you can find several recipes that include wheat flour among the ingredients, this gives the mixture a creamier texture and, therefore, it is more similar to a sweet corn pancake. One of the tricks to make the cachapas very fluffy is to add a teaspoon of baking soda or chemical yeast to the mixture.

You can consume this recipe if you are celiac, since it does not contain flour with gluten, it is also a good option for a vegan/vegetarian diet, since you can substitute butter for oil or vegetable shortening, as well as omitting the eggs, and it does not affect the nothing to the final result.

The filling is to everyone’s taste, we recommend trying them with some white cheese or with salty fillings, since it contrasts well with the sweetness of the cachapa corn. Other popular sides include carne mechada and fried pork.


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