Butter monkfish recipe

Ingredients to make Butter Monkfish:

  • 25 ml of oil
  • 1 teaspoon flour
  • 100 ccs of fish broth
  • 150 grams of butter
  • 200 grams of French onions
  • 150 ccs of red wine
  • 100 cc of cognac
  • 1 kilo of clean monkfish cut into medallions
  • 200 grams of mushrooms

How to make Butter Monkfish:

  1. The peeled onions are sautéed with about 50 grams of butter until they are golden.
  2. Add the clean mushroom and cover.
  3. In a separate frying pan, brown the monkfish medallions in oil plus 50 grams of butter and then flame them with cognac.
  4. Put the medallions in a casserole and add the mushrooms with the onions with their broth, red wine and fish broth.
  5. Cook over high heat for about 8 minutes until the alcohol in the wine evaporates.
  6. The remaining butter is cold mixed with the flour and added to the fish in the form of balls and stirred.
  7. Serve the medallions with the onions and mushrooms in a bowl and sprinkle the sauce on top.

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