Burr Jam Recipe

This time, we will make an ode to cod with an exquisite simple dish that you will end up signing up for the weekly menu. It is about this recipe for jams or Manchego ajoarriero, a very old preparation that comes from Manchegan areas. It is one of those dishes that grandparents and great-grandparents used to prepare so that they would last several days when they went out to the fields to work or grace.

For this reason, it used to be made in copious amounts, but you can make as much as suits you. Beyond the code, it does not have difficult ingredients and it is easy to prepare if you follow each of our steps to learn how to make jam. Stay with us and enjoy!

Ingredients to make Atascaburras:

  • 250 grams of salted cod without skin or bones
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 small glass of extra virgin olive oil
  • 4 medium potatoes
  • 1 handful of shelled walnuts
  • 1 clove garlic
  • get out to the point

How to make Jammers:

  1. We are going to prepare this grandmother’s jam in a quick and easy way, so get the ingredients ready and cook.
  2. Bring a pot of water to a boil with salt and vinegar. It must be enough water so that the eggs are submerged in it. Place them inside and leave them in the boiling water for 13 minutes.
  3. Trick: If you make more eggs, you must leave them 3 more minutes for each one. That way, they will come out juicy and at their perfect point.
  4. While the eggs are being cooked, take the opportunity to put the clean potatoes with their skins on in a bag. Take them to the microwave and cook for 15 minutes at a power of 700 w. Take them out carefully so as not to burn you and prick them with a toothpick to make sure they are cooked.
  5. To make the recipe faster, continue through the other steps while the other ingredients cook. Put water to boil to cook the cod. Leave it cooking for 5 minutes and reserve the cooking water.
  6. Peel the potatoes and mash them with a fork or potato masher. Do not flatten them completely so that the jam is better. Add the shredded cod over them and a grated garlic clove.
  7. Go adding the cod broth that you had reserved, do it little by little and do not add it all so that you can leave a texture that is not too broth or too hard. Also add a jet of oil and see stirring with a mortar mallet or wooden spoon. Leave everything very well mixed.
  8. Trick: Do not add salt, since the cod already provides a fair point on its own.
  9. Plate and pour a trickle of olive oil on top decorate with walnuts and accompany with boiled eggs cut into halves or slices. Enjoy an authentic jam from Manchego!

Burr Jam – History and other recipes

Atascaburras, also known as Manchego ajoarriero, used to be prepared on cold winter days in the Sierra de La Mancha and its surroundings, between the 16th and 17th centuries. Despite its age, this recipe is still very traditional and well-known among families in the area.

Being a caloric and very nutritious dish, it is perfect to combat the cold. In fact, it is believed that in the past, cod was cooked with snow water, which made the preparation an especially tasty experience.

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