Bull liver paella recipe

This bull liver paella is typical of the northern Valencian orchard. Especially in the towns of Almassera, Alboraya, Benifaraig, Borboto and some others in the area. It is a winter dish that is usually eaten broth and a little spicy. I prefer to go over the broth than for the fetge de bou paella, which is how they say in Valencian, to dry up. And normally half the rice is added than in a normal paella.

Ingredients to make Bull Liver Paella:

  • 1 kg and 1/2 of: half of bull lleterolas (gizzards) and the other half of bull liver, heart and sirloin
  • 400 grams of chickpeas (they can also be from a pot already cooked)
  • 1 endive (escarole)
  • 1 jar of natural crushed tomato
  • Food coloring
  • 2 chillies (cayenne peppers)
  • 350 grams of rice
  • Olive oil
  • 2 teaspoons of sweet paprika
  • Water

How to make Bull Liver Paella:

  1. We put olive oil (do not abuse it) and begin by frying the meat very well. We put salt on it.
  2.  And when it is well fried on all sides, we add a couple of chillies, it depends on how hot they are.
  3. Trick: I like a little spice for the fetge de bou paella.
  4. Add the drained can chickpeas, stirring well.
  5. Then we add the escarole (endive).
  6. Trick: Don’t be scared because then it comes to nothing, you’ll see.
  7. After about 10/15 minutes, add the tomato, mix everything well and fry the sautéed bull liver paella for a little while, being careful not to burn it.
  8. We put two teaspoons of sweet paprika, mix and so that it does not burn and bitter, we add the water to cover.
  9. When it has boiled well and the water has already gone down from the paella nails, we add the coloring to taste and then the rice.
  10. We calculate from 15 to 20 minutes to cook the arras amb fetge.
  11. Serve the freshly made bull liver paella after this time. To eat!

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