Brut Rice Recipe

Ingredients to make Brut Rice:

  • 300 gr. rice
  • 3 u. thrush
  • 2 units squab
  • 300 gr. rabbit
  • 200 gr. baby peas
  • 500 gr. sobrasada
  • 2 units tender artichoke
  • 1/2 unit butifarrón
  • 1/2 l. olive oil
  • 1 pc. big Onion
  • 3 clove garlic
  • 3 u. tomatoes
  • 1 bunch parsley
  • 1 slice of chilli
  • 6 saffron strand
  • 1 l. Water
  • 200 gr. mushrooms
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • spices (to taste)

How to make Brut Rice:

  1. Clean the thrushes and the pigeons, including the guts, which will be washed with water, salt, and lemon juice.
  2. Cut the birds into quarters.
  3. Cut the rabbit into six pieces and wash it.
  4. Break the rib into pieces carefully so that it does not splinter.
  5. Cut the butifarrón into thin slices.
  6. Shell the peas.
  7. Clean the artichokes and cut them into 8 pieces each.
  8. Wash them and put them in water with lemon juice.
  9. Peel the onion, tomatoes and garlic.
  10. Chop small and separately.
  11. Clean the mushrooms carefully and cut them in two.
  12. Wash and chop the parsley.
  13. Roast the saffron threads on brown paper carefully because they burn quickly.
  14. Heat the oil in a greixonera (large clay pot) and gently sauté the onion, once it is juicy, add the garlic and tomatoes.
  15. When you form a sauce, join all the meat and interiors (cut into pieces).
  16. Take a few laps
  17. Salt and pepper and add 1 liter of water.
  18. Add the rice together with the vegetables, mushrooms, butifarrón and sobrasada.
  19. Cook 20 minutes.
  20. Meanwhile, mash the parsley, the saffron and the little piece of chilli pepper and all the spices in a mortar.
  21. A few seconds before removing from the heat, mix the matador with a little broth and water the rice.
  22. Rest for a minute before serving.

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