Brussels Sprout Salad with Onion Recipe

Brussels sprouts, known in other countries as Brussels sprouts, are a much smaller type of cabbage, about two inches in diameter. Its popularity has made it possible to make infinity of recipes with this exquisite product today, and it combines with practically everything.

We teach you how to prepare a Brussels sprout salad with onion and other ingredients that we detail below. As you will see, it is a quick option and full of flavor, read on and prepares this coleslaw!

Ingredients to make Brussels Sprouts Salad with Onions:

  • 1 kilogram of Brussels sprouts cooked
  • 200 grams of sausage
  • 200 grams of onion

To dress

  • 1 jar of Mayonnaise
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of nutmeg powder

How to make Brussels Sprouts Salad with Onions:

To be able to prepare the vegetable salad you must first cook the Brussels sprouts until they are al dente. They are then strained and reserved while the rest of the ingredients are prepared.

Peel and finely chop the onion. Separately, cut the sausage julienne or thin strips, as you like. And if you prefer, you can substitute this ingredient for ham or any other sausage.

Take a salad bowl and mix the chopped onion and sausage in it. If you want, you can lightly fry the onion first, but this is optional and to the taste of the cook.

Add the Brussels sprouts and dress the salad with salt, nutmeg and mayonnaise to taste.  You can also make a honey and mustard vinaigrette for a sweet and sour touch.

Serve the Brussels sprouts and onion salad as a starter of a grilled chicken breast or the fish that you like the most.

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