Broccoli and Tuna Quiche Recipe

Is anyone able to resist the temptation of a good piece of quiche? I cannot! I love making savory tarts at home and I try to use healthy ingredients but not without flavor. My proposal this time is a broccoli and tuna quiche with mushrooms and cheese that I assure you is very tasty and I advise you to give it a try because its flavor will surprise you.

Ingredients to make Broccoli and Tuna Quiche:

• 300 grams of broccoli

• 250 grams of mushrooms

• 2 eggs

• 2 cans of tuna

• 200 grams of cream cheese

• 1 handful of grated cheese to gratin

• 1 teaspoon smoked paprika

• Salt

• 1 sheet of short crust pastry

• 1 splash of extra virgin olive oil

How to make Broccoli and Tuna Quiche:

We start by splitting the broccoli and putting it in a pot with water on the fire. When it starts to boil, cook it until it is soft. Drain and reserve.

Trick: You can peel the trunk of the broccoli, cut it into slices and cook it, it’s very good and that’s how we make the most of it!

Meanwhile we are going to clean and slice the mushrooms. We wash them, drain them and sauté them in a frying pan with a little hot oil. Stir from time to time so they don’t stick.

When they are almost done, add the broccoli and season with smoked paprika, ground pepper and salt. Drain the oil from the tuna, crumble it and add it to the pan. Stir well and add the cream cheese. With the heat of the pan, after a few minutes it will be soft and it will be easy to integrate it with the rest of the ingredients of the broccoli quiche. Remove from heat and let cool.

Tip: If you don’t have or don’t want to use cheese, you can substitute it with cooking cream or evaporated milk.

Meanwhile we beat the eggs as if we were going to make an omelet and when the filling is warm we add them and mix well. We take out the sheet of short crust pastry, unroll it, place it in our tart pan and pour the filling for the broccoli quiche with tuna and cheese.

Sprinkle with grated cheese and place the broccoli and tuna quiche in the oven preheated to 180ºC for about 25-30 minutes or until we see the golden edge and the mixture is well curdled. Bon Appetite!

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