Broccoli and Parmesan Cheese Tart Recipe

This vegan savory tart is super easy to make. Do not be scared by the number of steps, because what we do in them is to explain in detail everything you have to do, but this broccoli cake will not take you more than 15 minutes to prepare, the rest will be work in the oven.

An extraordinary easy recipe with which you will conquer more than one, get out of the routine and stop eating the same things because we have thousands of original proposals, like this broccoli and Parmesan cheese tart recipe that is not only delicious, but also delicious. It is a healthy meal and very easy to prepare.

Savory vegetable tarts are a great option for making children eat vegetables, it is an ingenious way of presenting this type of food on the table and they are also a way to vary the menu each day. Go ahead and cook with us a very original broccoli with cheese dish, in addition we also share some excellent recipes so that you also learn to prepare a dough for homemade quiche.

Ingredients to make Broccoli and Parmesan Cheese Tart:

  • 1 package of frozen broccoli (1 kg)
  • 1 sheet of dough for quiche
  • 4 Eggs
  • ½ cup of milk or cream
  • 1 dessert spoon of baking powder
  • 1 pinch of salt and pepper
  • 2 small onions or one large
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 1 cup grated Parmesan cheese

How to make Broccoli Parmesan Tart:

We’ll start by microwaving the broccoli as specified on the package, which is usually 8 minutes total, pausing in the middle to mix. You can also use fresh broccoli, in that case, you should chop them and cook the little trees in boiling water for 5 minutes.

While the broccoli is cooking, we take the opportunity to make a garlic and onion sauce.  Chop both ingredients finely and sauté in a pan with oil.

Separately, beat the eggs in a bowl together with the milk cream and the baking powder. Once the broccoli is ready, we put it in the pan with the sauce and sauté the whole for a few minutes. Season the vegetables with salt and pepper while they sauté.

Then stretch the dough on a cake pan. To make this savory tart with broccoli you can use different types of dough, either purchased or homemade. When you have it, pour the contents of the pan over the pie dough, spreading the vegetables well.

Then, add the grated cheese, taking the opportunity to cover all the spaces between the vegetables and thus, level the surface of the cake as best you can. To finish, pour over the beaten eggs and cream, distributing it well throughout the mold. Cook the broccoli cake in a moderate to high oven for approximately 30 minutes. The cooking time will depend on your oven and how tall your mold is.

Wait a few minutes while it cools down a bit and enjoy this delicious broccoli and Parmesan cheese pie, for dinner or as a starter in your menu of the day. To enjoy!

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