Broccoli and carrot salad with apple recipe

In this recipe you will learn how to prepare a delicious and healthy broccoli and apple salad with carrots. Without a doubt, a perfect dish to recover and keep fit. Eating healthy is not synonymous with eating bland. Nowadays, we can make some very rich mixtures in the kitchen, with few calories and full of flavor. Whether you’re on a diet, or just wanting to take care of yourself, it costs nothing with such great recipes that, I want to share. Surely when you try this salad it will become a staple recipe in your kitchen.

It’s time to take care of yourself and eat well, so prepare the ingredients, and we’re going to show you how to prepare a delicious broccoli and carrot salad to share with your loved ones.

Ingredients to make Broccoli and Carrot Salad with Apple:

  • 1 broccoli
  • 4 medium carrots
  • 1 apple (green or red)
  • 1 tablespoon raisins (optional)
  • 4 chopped walnuts
  • 1 pinch of Himalayan pink salt
  • 1 splash of olive oil

How to make Broccoli and Carrot Salad with Apple:

To make our broccoli and carrot salad, we are going to prepare the vegetables first. To do this, we wash the broccoli under water and peel the carrots with a vegetable peeler. We are removing the branches of broccoli and cut it into four parts. On the other hand, we cut the carrots in half and slice them.

We can prepare the broccoli salad steamed, cooked or raw. We have chosen to steam the broccoli, just like the carrot, since that way the vegetables retain most of their properties and are delicious. You have to put the vegetables separated from each other so that the steam circulates well. If we have a steamer, we better put the hardest vegetables in the lowest part, in this case the carrots, and the broccoli, which needs less cooking time, in the highest part. I have had those 20 minutes in the steamer. In any case, we look at the instructions of the steamer to see the optimal cooking times.

If we do not have a steamer, nothing happens; we cook the vegetables in water until they are tender and drain them well. The broccoli will take 10 minutes to cook and the carrots will take a little longer.

While the vegetables are cooking, core and peel the apple. Then we cut it into cubes. For this broccoli and carrot salad we can use green or red apple, since both have excellent properties. Likewise, to take advantage of the fiber of the fruit, we recommend not removing the skin.

Cut the orange in half and squeeze its juice. Place the chopped apple in a bowl and sprinkle it with the orange juice. Reserve until serving time.

Tip: For a lighter broccoli and apple salad, we recommend adding the peeled and chopped orange instead of squeezed.

Once the vegetables are cooked, we distribute them among four plates. We also distribute the apple cubes and water with the orange juice. We add a little Himalayan salt (or whatever we want) and sprinkle with a splash of olive oil.

Finally, spread the raisins over the four plates and sprinkle the walnut pieces on top. And ready to serve.

Tip: If you’re on a diet, cut out the raisins but not the nuts, take one per serving, so don’t hesitate to put it in the salad.

It can be served both warm and cold, so there is no problem making it several hours in advance. This broccoli, carrot, and apple salad recipe is quick, easy, nutritious, and healthy. I hope you liked it

Broccoli and carrot salad – Other recipes

To make the broccoli and apple salad with carrots lighter, we have already commented throughout the recipe what we must modify. However, here are some tips:

  • It is better to incorporate the whole(peeled) chopped orange instead of squeezed for a simple reason. When obtaining the juice of any fruit, what we achieve is that this ingredient becomes an added sugar, despite the fact that it is a type of natural sugar.  This is so because the absorption of sugar from juices is much faster, so the body does not have enough time to convert all this sugar into glucose, so much of it becomes fat. Eating the whole fruit slows digestion and absorption, preventing the natural sugar it contains from turning into fat. Of course, this does not mean that if we drink orange juice or add it to our salads we will gain weight, far from it! Simply that it is much healthier to eat the whole fruit.
  • In strict weight loss diets, it is advisable to reduce or remove salt, as well as avoid ingredients with a higher caloric intake, such as raisins.
  • Including more vegetables and fruits is more than recommended.

Now, we are going to show you some more options to make salads with assorted broccoli, apples and carrots:

  • Raw broccoli salad with apple, carrot and all the vegetables we want.
  • Broccoli and tuna salad, to which we can also add carrot, apple, pear, corn, spinach, etc.
  • Broccoli and tomato salad with carrot, apple, cucumber, beetroot, celery and egg.
  • Broccoli and grated carrot salad, since we do not necessarily have to add it laminated.
  • Broccoli and apple salad with zucchini and bell pepper.

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