Broad bean soup with nopales recipe

Broad beans are legumes rich in carbohydrates and proteins. Throughout the year we can find dry broad beans on the market, so we have the opportunity to enjoy this beneficial food whenever we want.

In this article, we share with you how to prepare a bean soup with nopales, typical of the Lenten season in Mexico, mainly. Keep reading and discover the steps to cook this rich vegetable soup.

Ingredients to make broad bean soup with nopales:

  • 500 grams of dried broad beans
  • 1 unit of Tomatoes
  • 1 unit of Onion
  • 2 units of Nopales
  • 1 branch of mint
  • 1 sprig of Coriander
  • 2 tablespoons of salt
  • 2 units of pepper
  • 2 cloves of garlic

How to make broad bean soup with nopales:

  1. As a first step we are going to gather the necessary ingredients to prepare the broad bean soup. Next, we clean the beans of any debris they may contain.
  2. We put the beans to soak from the night before. If this is not possible, we soak them at least 40 minutes prior to cooking.
  3. We throw away the water where we left the beans to soak, add water again and cook them with a tablespoon of salt, a piece of onion and a clove of garlic. Cover the saucepan and let it cook over medium heat.
  4. Trick: Broad beans are legumes that can be indigestible, to reduce their effects it is necessary to soak them and throw away the water where it was soaked.
  5. Besides, we cut the nopal into squares, we cook it in water, we add a teaspoon of carbonate, a piece of onion and a clove of garlic, we let it boil for approximately five minutes. We strain it. On the other hand, chop the tomato and onion. The coriander and mint are washed and disinfected.
  6. We put a saucepan on the stove, over medium heat, and add a splash of oil. When hot, fry the onion. When it is transparent, add the chopped tomato and allow it to sauté for approximately five minutes.
  7. While the tomato and onion are frying, we are going to blend the beans.
  8. Immediately we pour the liquefied broad beans over the sauce that we have on the stove to continue with the preparation of the vegetable soup.
  9. We stir everything perfectly, we check the thickness of the soup and if we want it to be lighter we add a little water. Immediately add the nopales, the coriander branch and the mint branch, let it boil for a few minutes and adjust the flavor with salt to taste.
  10. We serve the nopales soup very hot and enjoy its exquisite flavor. This vegetable soup is ideal to serve both during the Easter season and throughout the winter, because of how nutritious it is and how much it helps us maintain body temperature. And for dessert, some almond torrejas.

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