Broad bean cream recipe

Ingredients to make Bean Cream:

  • 400 grams of broad beans
  • 1 potato unit
  • 1 unit of Carrot
  • 1 unit of Onion
  • 2 squirts of oil
  • ½ liter of water
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of black pepper
  • 1 splash of milk
  • 1 tablespoon of Serrano ham tacos

How to make cream of beans:

1.Here we present the ingredients for this cream of legumes and vegetables. In this case the beans are frozen, but the process of preparing the cream of beans is the same, only the cooking time will vary.

2.In a saucepan with oil, poach the onion and the chopped carrot.

3.Then add the potato, also chopped, and let everything brown for a few minutes.

4.When the vegetables are already somewhat sautéed, pour half a liter of water and add the broad beans, which will be covered by the liquid. It is also time to season to taste.

5.Let everything boil for at least 20 minutes, stirring from time to time, so that a delicious bean cream results.

6.When the beans are cooked, we pass them through the blender, adding part of the cooking broth and also a splash of milk. Before serving this vegetable purée, pass it through the Chinese strainer to remove the remains of the skins of the beans.

7.Plate the bean cream and add a few cubes of Serrano ham on top. And second, a grilled chicken breast or the fish that you like the most. Bon Appetite!

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