Brie Cheese Risotto Recipe

If you have never prepared one before, this Brie cheese risotto recipe that I share is great to get you started in the preparation of this type of originally Italian dishes. It is a very creamy and tasty Brie cheese risotto that you will get if you follow this step by step in detail. Accompany it with some type of meat with a strong flavor and it will be a great contrast due to its mild flavor. Do not hesitate to try it!

Ingredients to make Brie Cheese Risotto:

  • 2 cups of arboreal rice
  • 1 liter of vegetable or hot chicken broth
  • ½ onion, chopped
  • 3 tablespoons of butter
  • 100 grams of Brie cheese
  • ½ cup dry white wine
  • 1 tablespoon grated Parmesan cheese
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • Salt to taste
  • pepper to taste

How to make Brie Cheese Risotto:

  1. Fry the onion in a saucepan with 2 tablespoons of butter and the olive oil until golden brown
  2. Add the arboreal rice and sauté for 3 minutes until the grains begin to turn transparent.
  3. Add the white wine and stir well so that the alcohol evaporates completely.
  4.  Then, you see adding ladles of vegetable or chicken broth, always without stopping stirring so that the brie cheese risotto releases the starches and thickens.
  5.  When you see that the rice has already absorbed almost all the liquid, add another ladle of broth again until cooking is complete.
  6. Tip: The broth that you add to the risotto must always be hot beforehand so as not to stop the cooking of the rice at any time.
  7. You see repeating the process of adding broth to the easy cheese risotto until the rice is properly cooked (ideally it is al dente, neither too raw nor overcooked).
  8. Once it has arrived, add the Brie cheese in pieces and mix to melt well.
  9. Tip: Taste the rice to see if it’s al dente.
  10. The consistency of the grain should be slightly raw at this point.
  11. To finish add a pinch of salt and pepper to taste, a tablespoon of butter and grated Parmesan cheese. Stir to mix everything.
  12. Serve the Brie cheese risotto immediately and eat it fresh because when it cools down it doesn’t look the same.
  13. Take advantage! And for the main course or as an accompaniment I recommend some veal scallops with lemon and for dessert, a classic tiramisu.

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