Brick pasta recipe stuffed with seafood

Do you fancy a simple but flavorful appetizer? In this article, we share the step by step of a recipe for brick pasta stuffed with seafood, easy and suitable to surprise in these holidays.

The ingredients that we are going to need on this occasion are very few since we have chosen to create a quick version of the typical sachets filled with prawns. If you have guests this Christmas you can surprise them with a touch of homemade pink sauce that is exquisite and easy to make.

The idea came to us while we were thinking about what to choose for the New Year’s menu. We wanted to go beyond canapés and cold starters; so we put our hands to the imagination thinking what to do with the shellfish. The concept was given to us by standing in front of the puff pastry (we wanted to prepare some mini quiches) but we saw the filo pastry and the brick dough and we said to ourselves: this is the solution. So we leave you with the step-by-step recipe for these prawns wrapped in brick paste.

Ingredients to make brick pasta stuffed with seafood:

Brick pasta stuffed with seafood

  • 2 sheets of Pasta brick
  • 200 grams of Prawns
  • 1 handful of coarse salt
  • 2 units of Eggs
  • frying oil

Pink sauce

  • 100 milliliters of milk
  • 30 milliliters of olive oil
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 4 tablespoons of Ketchup

How to make Seafood Filled Brick Pasta:

We list the ingredients we need to make the brick pasta stuffed with seafood and the pink sauce with which we are going to accompany it. First of all we will make the pink sauce emulsifying the oil over the milk, as if it were the lactones recipe.

To achieve this, first add the milk, give it a very short initial shake and then, with the mixer arm at the bottom, add the oil through the wall of the glass. Remember to raise the arm of the mixer as the ingredients come together. Once emulsified, add the pinch of salt along with the ketchup and stir until completely integrated. Once well integrated, place it in the bowl, cover with cling film and refrigerate until ready to serve.

Now we go with the prawns. We thread them on skewers so that they are as straight as possible and we salt them. Now we have to cut triangular pieces of brick dough. To do it, we place the sheets of brick dough one on top of the other and with a knife or a pizza cutter we make the divisions like a pizza. They have to be well cut so if you have to review, do it without fear.

Wrap the skewered prawns, one by one, with the triangles of dough. We press the excess edges well so that they do not separate. Beat the eggs, heat the frying pan and coat each of the pieces of brick pastry stuffed with seafood that we have improvised in the egg.

They are fried in a frying pan with a little oil and left to drain either on a colander or on a plate with absorbent paper. At the moment of serving, accompany with the pink sauce or also with soy sauce, which are very tasty. Take advantage!

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