Breton lobster recipe

Ingredients to make Breton lobster:

  • Several lobsters from 400 to 500 g., to a larger one.

 How to make Breton lobster:

  1. Cut the lobsters -alive- into pieces, generally in this way: separate the two claws, make a cut behind the head, then cut the tail into three portions.
  2. In a “bowl” preserve its juice and its “coral”, which at this point will have a greenish color.
  3. In a “pole”, add previously beaten and salted butter, and sauté over high heat the pieces of lobster that, of course, we will have seasoned before, until they turn red.
  4. Reserve them.
  5. Sauté an onion cut into thin slices in the same butter, without letting it color, and add two very finely chopped shallots.
  6. Water with 200 ml of Muscat (a dry white French wine: N. Del T.) and 100 ml of a “fumet” of fish.
  7. (In fact, I use a broth obtained from cooking 3 or 4 crabs cut into 4 pieces, in boiling water, which I then reduce its cooking.)
  8. Add two tablespoons of brandy, 100 ml of tomato paste, 3 sprigs of tarragon, a pinch of cayenne pepper.
  9. Then cook over low heat for 25-30 minutes.
  10. Add the lobster pieces and monitor cooking, stirring often.
  11. Do not “excess”, especially in cooking.
  12. At the end of it, add some very finely cut parsley.
  13. Pass the sauce thus obtained through the blender, and add the lobster juice and the coral.
  14. Mix the sauce with 30-40 grams of butter.
  15. Finally, pass it through the Chinese: it is heavy, but it is much more pleasant for the guests.”

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