Breakfast with egg

The chicken egg is one of the most complete foods that exist in terms of nutritional value.  This is logical, since its content has all the elements to originate a complex multicellular organism. But what nutrients does an egg contain? Well, let’s break it down into its edible parts: the white and the yolk. On the one hand, the egg white contains a higher proportion of water (88%) and the rest are proteins, among which albumin stands out above the others. On the other hand, the yolk is half water and the other half is distributed evenly between lipids (healthy fats) and proteins. It is interesting to note that the total protein content of this food stands out for its bioavailability and the balance of amino acids, that is, it contains high-quality proteins.

In this sense, if you need to lose weight, the egg can become a great ally precisely because of its protein content, as it helps to regenerate muscle and gain muscle mass (especially if you do some training), which directly influences the loss of fat. Weight. In addition, its low caloric intake and the feeling of satiety that this food provides also add to this task. Likewise, if you just want to stay healthy, consuming between 3 and 5 eggs per week covers 30% of the daily protein intake of an average adult and, in addition, serves to prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Thinking about all of the above, we offer you a selection of healthy breakfasts with eggs, ideal for keeping fit and taking care of your body. The recipes on this list include light cooking methods (poached, boiled, baked, grilled, and steamed!), in addition to culinary combinations that mix the egg with nutritious, light, and flavorful ingredients.

 Baked zucchini omelet

We start our list of the best breakfasts with eggs to lose weight by preparing a tasty but light dish: zucchini omelet. Following the Baked Zucchini Tortilla Recipe you will get a simple and delicious recipe.

Take into account that the zucchini complements the benefits of the egg to lose weight, since it has a low caloric intake, accelerates the metabolism and feeds, for which, together, they help to lose accumulated subcutaneous fat without starving you.

Broccoli salad with tuna and hard-boiled egg

If you eat salads for breakfast, your body will obtain many benefits, among which we can mention better digestion and good intestinal transit. Of course, the salad must contain certain essential compounds: carbohydrates, proteins and healthy fats. For this reason, include this recipe in your list of breakfasts with hard-boiled eggs, which also serves to lose weight.

Get all the ingredients ready and prepare this light but very nutritious meal.

Scrambled Eggs with Zucchini

If you’re looking for scrambled egg breakfasts, you can’t leave out the stir fry. Of course, if you want them to fulfill this effect, use healthy ingredients, so no sausages, and use very little oil or cook them with a non-stick pan and a little water.

In this case, the other main ingredient is zucchini, as it is easy to digest and helps you lose weight, but the truth is that you could also add mushrooms and other vegetables.

 Tip: Use low-salt, low-fat cheese.

Mellette eggs

If we are on a diet, breakfasts with boiled eggs are always a good alternative, because not only do they benefit us during this process, but, additionally, they hardly involve any work.  Mullet eggs are characterized by having an almost cooked white and a yolk that retains part of its moisture. They are very delicious accompanied with whole meal bread, well toasted.

Omelets of chards

It never hurts to include several types of tortillas in your homemade breakfast recipe with eggs to lose weight. This time, our recipe includes chard, as this food has a low caloric intake, produces satiety and works as a very effective diuretic. Additionally, in the average adult diet, they cover the following nutrients, where 100% is the required ceiling: 27% potassium, 30% calcium, 50% iron, nearly 50% magnesium, 100% vitamin C, 25% vitamin E, 2/3 vitamin A and 7-8% protein.

Oatmeal pancakes and egg whites

A sweet touch in the morning is always needed, especially if you are on a diet. For this reason, among our proposals for healthy breakfasts with eggs, we include these sweet pancakes, healthy and tasty! Now, on this occasion we only use the egg white, as it does not contain fat, which is good for us to lose weight a little faster and define muscle.  However, it is interesting to note that the yolk contains more nutrients than the white and is currently considered an ally against bad cholesterol.

Oatmeal omelet

Without a doubt, this recipe qualifies in the category of the best breakfasts with healthy eggs, since oatmeal provides a good dose of energy, which you can take advantage of much better during the morning hours. In addition, it works very well if you want to prepare slimming breakfasts, as it creates a feeling of satiety, regulates your intestinal transit and keeps glucose stable (due to beta-gleans). All these factors together favor weight loss. So if you want to lose a few extra pounds or eat healthy, follow the step by step Oatmeal Recipe. Remember to fill it with light options, and… Enjoy it without remorse!

Cloud bread

If you need recipes for gluten-free and flourless breakfasts with eggs, cloud bread is for you. This unconventional bread provides you with high protein content, perfect to start the day on the right foot! And if you want it to be lighter, replace the traditional cream cheese with light cream cheese. Trust us, this bread tastes great! In addition,

Tip: This recipe contains eggs, yeast (use gluten-free), cream cheese, and salt or sugar.

Protein shake

This recipe works for both dinner and breakfast, although at each time it plays different roles. At breakfast, it helps to recover from a long period without food, giving us energy and regenerating muscle mass, while at night it increases the rate of muscle protein synthesis (muscle increases in size). Easily prepare this drink by following this step by step Protein Shake Recipe.

Tip: this recipe is designed for athletes, although sedentary people can also take it sporadically.

Chinese steamed eggs

Among our breakfast recipes with eggs to lose weight, a steamed preparation could not be missing! The omelet that we propose contains nothing else but celery and soy sauce, but it’s all a matter of imagination, so you can replace the celery with chives, Swiss chard, spinach or mushrooms.

Grilled eggs

If you want healthy breakfasts with eggs or you are interested in a morning meal to lose weight, you cannot ignore the cooking methods, since they increase or decrease the  calories of any preparation. So, if you fancy some fried eggs, choose to cook them on the grill to reduce the amount of oil and, therefore, the caloric intake. You will see that the result is very similar, but much healthier.

Quinoa omelet

Quinoa not only has good properties to keep you healthy, but it also helps you lose weight, since it makes you feel full (they contain a lot of dietary fiber), keeps your glycemic index low, feeds you (it has minerals, vitamins and 8 essential amino acids of 16, among other nutrients) and accelerates the metabolism (they have a lot of vitamin B). As if that were not enough, it is very tasty, as long as you prepare it well. To do this, we recommend you consult the Quinoa tortilla recipe and enjoy this super breakfast.

Tip: Quinoa does not contain gluten.

Eggs with light no pales

Some scrambled eggs with no pales can become one of your favorite breakfasts with eggs, because not only do they fulfill the mission of promoting weight loss, but they are also very good. If you did not know, the opal regulates the appetite thanks to the fiber, pectin and mucilage, it reduces the need to consume foods with sugars, since it regulates the concentration of glucose in the blood, it has a low caloric content, it works as a depurative and improves the cellular and lipid metabolism for its antioxidant power from vitamins E and C.

If you already have the ingredients at hand, just follow the step-by-step recipe for eggs with light no pales. And if you liked no pales, take a look at the Pursuance with Egg Recipe, its delicious!

Light broccoli omelet

Cruciferous vegetables work very well for breakfast, as they produce satiety, are low in calories, provide more protein than other vegetables, contain a wide variety of micronutrients and have a good dose of fiber, among other attributes. And, although all these vegetables are very beneficial in all these aspects and many others, broccoli is considered one of the most efficient for weight loss. Cheer up! And try this light omelet following the directions for the light broccoli omelet.

Mexican green beans with egg

This recipe is delicious and, without a doubt, you should take it into account when preparing breakfasts with scrambled eggs. Green beans have a very appreciable nutritional value: vitamin A, vitamin C, B vitamins, minerals (iron, calcium, potassium, among others), antioxidants and a lot of fiber. On the other hand, if you need to lose weight, they will also work for you, as they help regulate your metabolism and provide you with very few calories.

 Tip: Green beans are also known as pods.

Spinach and tuna tortilla

If it is about breakfasts to lose weight, this recipe enters the ranking of the most effective for the ingredients it brings together. Yes, the combination of the egg and the tuna not only fills you up, but also speeds up your metabolism, thus helping you lose calories. As if that were not enough, the fiber in spinach (soluble and insoluble) completes the effect, as it helps you reduce abdominal fat, lose weight in general, improve intestinal transit and facilitate digestion.

Boiled eggs

Boiled eggs by themselves are a delicious and perfect breakfast, especially if they are accompanied by bread, preferably whole wheat. In this way, you will get a low-calorie breakfast with eggs and bread, full of flavor and very easy to make.

Banana and oatmeal pancakes

We have already seen that pancakes are a classic breakfast, so we also recommend this option that includes banana in its preparation. By using panel instead of white sugar, you get a much healthier, more nutritious and equally delicious breakfast. You dare

Vanilla cookies

Another classic that cannot be missing from our list of breakfasts with eggs, especially if it is for children, is a recipe for homemade cookies. Although it is true that this breakfast is not so healthy because it includes butter, you can use light butter, use whole meal flour and panel instead of white sugar.

Healthy cake

How could it be otherwise, we end the list of the best breakfasts with eggs with a delicious sponge cake, fluffy and much healthier thanks to its ingredients? It is prepared with oatmeal, banana and apple as main ingredients. In addition, it includes eggs, coconut oil, seeds, nuts and cinnamon. Without a doubt, a delight that you cannot miss!

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