Bread with tomato and serrano ham recipe

In Catalonia (Spain) it is known as the famous pa amb tomàquet or wrongly said, tumaca bread with serrano ham, but for the rest of the world it is bread with tomato, a very characteristic breakfast within the Mediterranean diet and which part of the tradition of this country is.

Bread with tomato and ham is a delicious breakfast and believe it or not, it is also quite healthy. Carbohydrates, monounsaturated fatty acids and carotenoids, this is what we will achieve with the mixture of bread, oil and tomato, perfect for gaining energy to start the day.

To end this contribution we have decided to include Serrano ham, so review the recipe thoroughly and get ready to enjoy the spectacular bread with tomato and Serrano ham.  Never has something so simple in the kitchen been a reason for so much joy!

Ingredients to make Bread with tomato and Serrano ham:

  • 2 plum or ripe tomato
  • 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • Serrano or Iberian ham
  • 4 slices of peasant or village bread

How to make Bread with Tomato and Serrano Ham:

To prepare our famous Catalan tumaca bread, the first thing we will do is clean the tomatoes very well and peel the garlic.

To prevent the garlic from recurring, it is recommended to chop it in half and remove the central part of the clove. Grate the tomatoes and garlic, then season the mixture with a pinch of salt and stir.

Tradition indicates that both the tomato and the garlic are simply rubbed against the bread. In any case, what should never be done when preparing bread with tomato is to crush the ingredients, because in this way the characteristic texture is lost? Tomato and there is a kind of juice that soaks the bread. To finish our “tomato sauce” add a good splash of olive oil and mix everything. For the recipe to taste better, it is essential to use a quality olive oil.

The ideal is to prepare this tomato just before consuming it, but if you want to save it to use at another time, it will be enough to leave it in the fridge in a covered container. Before serving, remember that it must be at room temperature. Now it’s time to assemble the Serrano ham and tomato toasts, so simply toast the bread slices a little, spread a good layer of tomato and finish off by placing the ham slices on top. You can use bread from the day before or the typical village bread. Bread with tomato and Serrano ham can be served for breakfast, dinner or for tapas as is customary in Spain.

The secret of this recipe is to prepare the tomato with garlic, salt and oil following the tradition, using quality ingredients. If you want to continue trying Spanish tapas, we recommend you try the patatas bravas or some delicious pinchos morunos.

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