Bread with sourdough recipe

Ingredients to make Sourdough Bread:

  1. For the sourdough:
  2. 400 milliliters of warm water
  3. 5 grams of fresh baker’s yeast
  4. 550 grams of strength flour
  5. For the bread:
  6. 500 grams of strength flour
  7. 325 milliliters of warm water
  8. 3 grams of fresh baker’s yeast
  9. 10 grams of salt

How to make sourdough bread:

  • To make our homemade bread with sourdough and fresh yeast, first we will make the sourdough the day before. To do this, dilute the baker’s yeast in part of the 400 ml of warm water.
  • Put the sifted flour in a large bowl and add the dissolved yeast. Add the rest of the water and knead. The mixture will be very sticky.
  • Mix our sourdough until everything is integrated. Cover with a cloth and leave to rest in a warm place without drafts for 12 hours.
  • The next day, we will have the sourdough, and now we are going to make our homemade bread: sift the flour into a large bowl and gradually add part of the 325 ml of water, reserving approximately one third. Mix with a spoon.
  • Flour our hands well and make a homogeneous ball with the homemade bread dough, cover with a cloth and let it rest for 20 minutes.
  • After the resting time, add 125 grams of the sourdough that we had fermenting, the crumbled baker’s yeast, the salt and half of the reserved water. Knead the bread with sourdough and yeast well, folding and stretching the dough several times. Does it preferably on a well-floured work table, just like our hands? Here we will have to see that the dough is not excessively sticky, so we will add more flour, or very dry, so we will add the remaining water.
  • Tip: You can keep the rest of the sourdough in the fridge and use it again for other loaves of bread. Take it out of the fridge for a while before to temper it each time we are going to use it.
  • When the homemade bread dough with sourdough can already be worked well, make a ball with it, cover with a cloth, and let it rest for 2 h 30 min.
  • After the resting time of our bread with sourdough and yeast, divide the dough in two. Shape it into an oval, cover again and let rest for 20 minutes
  • Line a tray with baking paper and lightly flour; in it we will put our bread with sour dough and yeast. We will give it an elongated shape, we will cover it with a cloth and we will let it rise again for 1 hour and 30 minutes.
  • Preheat the oven to 200ºC. Put a bowl with water on the base of the oven. And to finish our homemade bread with sourdough and fresh yeast, we are going to make some diagonal cuts across the width and others along the bread with a knife. Bake sou rdough loaves for 20 minutes or until golden. Let cool on a rack.
  • Making bread with sour dough is slow, but effective. Dare to make your own bread like the bakery.

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