Bread with onion recipe

Ingredients to make Bread with onion:

  • 350 grams of strength flour
  • 180 milliliters of warm water
  • 12 grams of fresh yeast
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 teaspoons of salt
  • 1 large onion
  • 1 beaten egg

How to make Onion Bread:

  1. We are going to start making our onion bread and first we are going to sift the flour into a large bowl.
  2. We slightly heat the water and dilute the fresh yeast.
  3. Add the yeast diluted in the water, a tablespoon of olive oil and the teaspoons of salt to the flour. We knead everything well with our hands or with the help of a mixer, about ten minutes if we knead by hand, and about five if we use a kitchen robot.
  4. We form a ball with the dough, cover it with a cloth, and leave it in a warm place, without drafts, for 45 minutes.
  5. While our bread dough rises, we are going to prepare the onion. To do this, we are going to peel it and slice it finely. Put the other tablespoon of olive oil in a pan and once it is hot, fry the onion, stirring from time to time until it is slightly golden (about 15-20 minutes over low heat).
  6. Trick: So that the onion does not blacken when cooking, cover with a lid and lift only to remove the onion.
  7. When the onion is poached, we put it on a plate with absorbent paper once drained and let it cool.
  8. Once the first rise has elapsed, we knead the dough again and put the onion in the center.
  9. We will cover the onion with the dough, although it is not necessary for it to be completely covered, since it will be good if a piece is visible and that will give the bread a more beautiful appearance. Cover again with a cloth and leave it on a tray lined with baking paper for two and a half hours.
  10. Preheat the oven to 210ºC. We put a tray with water on the base of the oven so that the vapors help our bread with fried onion to bake better.
  11. Once the rising time is over, we will make some stripes with a knife along the dough and we will paint the surface with beaten egg. Bake our onion bread at 210 ºC with heat up and down for approximately 30 minutes or until golden.
  12. Tip: You can put the bread in a mold to give it a special shape, or make two smaller loaves instead of one.
  13. Let the bread with onion cool once it is baked on a wire rack.

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