Bread with milk and butter recipe

Ingredients to make Bread with milk and butter:

  • 300 gr of turquoise (190-200 w)
  • 300 gr of emerald (80-100 w)
  • 50 grams of butter
  • 350 grams of milk
  • 7 grams of salt
  • 14 grams of brown sugar
  • 5 gr of baker’s yeast powder.

How to make sliced ​​bread with milk and butter:

  1. In a bowl, put the two flours, the salt and the milk, mix well and let stand for an hour.
  2. Add the knead yeast and add the butter (I warmed it up so that it melted and when it was at room temperature I added it).
  3. Mix well with the dough Make a couple of short kneading’s resting for 20 minutes each.
  4. Take the dough out of the bowl and degas it with your fingers, let it rest for about 30 minutes. Meanwhile, grease a rectangular mold with sunflower oil and flour. Give it the Shape the dough and put it in the mold.
  5. Cover with a damp cloth or plastic wrap and leave in a warm place until it increases in volume.
  6. Put the oven to heat at 230º when you see that it has already increased in volume, make some cuts (I do it with a razor blade and it looks pretty good on me).
  7. Sprinkle the mold with water and put it in the oven (if your oven is large in the middle tray, my oven is small so I put it in the bottom tray).
  8. The first 15 minutes leave it at 230º making sure it doesn’t burn, you can put a piece of aluminum foil on top.
  9. Lower the temperature to 180º and let it finish cooking for approximately 20 minutes. Take it out of the mold when it has cooled down a bit, taking care not to burn yourself and let it finish cooling on a wire rack.
  10. Wait a few hours or overnight to cut it and eat it. It will be better. I didn’t have time to photograph the whole bread, they started it earlier. In addition, the last piece was stolen by Tosca in an oversight from the dining room table (bread drives her crazy) The first 15 minutes leave it at 230º making sure it doesn’t burn, you can put a piece of aluminum foil on top.
  11. Lower the temperature to 180º and let it finish cooking for approximately 20 minutes. Take it out of the mold when it has cooled down a bit, taking care not to burn yourself and let it finish cooling on a wire rack.
  12. Wait a few hours or overnight to cut it and eat it. It will be better. I didn’t have time to photograph the whole bread, they started it earlier. In addition, the last piece was stolen by Tosca in an oversight from the dining room table (bread drives her crazy) The first 15 minutes leave it at 230º making sure it doesn’t burn, you can put a piece of aluminum foil on top.
  13. Lower the temperature to 180º and let it finish cooking for approximately 20 minutes. Take it out of the mold when it has cooled down a bit, taking care not to burn yourself and let it finish cooling on a wire rack.
  14. Wait a few hours or overnight to cut it and eat it. It will be better. I didn’t have time to photograph the whole bread, they started it earlier.
  15. In addition, the last piece was stolen by Tosca in an oversight from the dining room table (bread drives her crazy) Wait a few hours or overnight to cut it up and eat it. It will be better.
  16. I didn’t have time to photograph the whole bread, they started it earlier. In addition, the last piece was stolen by Tosca in an oversight from the dining room table (bread drives her crazy) Wait a few hours or overnight to cut it up and eat it. It will be better. I didn’t have time to photograph the whole bread, they started it earlier. In addition, the last piece was stolen by Tosca in an oversight from the dining room table (bread drives her crazy)

I hope you like it and take advantage of it.

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