Bread with chicken and sauce recipe

Ingredients to make Bread with chicken and sauce:

  • French bread
  • Chicken
  • 6 tomatoes
  • 1 onion
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 green chili
  • Bay leaf
  • Cucumber
  • Tomatoes
  • Radish
  • Lettuce
  • Cabbage
  • Mayonnaise

How to make Bread with chicken and sauce:

The chicken is cleaned, and cut. In a saucepan add oil, then brown the chicken a little with seasoning and salt to taste.

The sauce is made, the tomato, onion, garlic, chili, bay leaf is put in the blender, and a chicken cube is added.

Once the sauce is smooth, it is added to the chicken, and it is cooked for 30 minutes, or until the chicken is done.

On the other hand, the well-washed vegetables are ready, the cabbage is cut into small slices, and so that it looks good on them, they pass it softly in a little margarine.

When everything is ready, open a French bread, if you like, they can brown it a little, add mayonnaise, tomato, radish, lettuce, a piece of chicken, and finally the chopped cabbage. They can be served with sauce where the chicken was cooked.

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