Bread recipe without oven and without yeast

Ingredients to make Bread without oven and without yeast:

  1. 150 grams of strength flour
  2. 1 teaspoon of Bicarbonate
  3. 1 dessert spoon of salt
  4. 1 tablespoon butter
  5. 2 tablespoons of Sugar
  6. 1 egg
  7. 60 milliliters of Water (¼ cup)

How to make Bread without oven and without yeast:

  • To discover how to make bread in the microwave, we leave all the ingredients that we will need ready and go to the next step.
  • In the warm water we dissolve the baking soda and the sugar to start making the recipe. We remember that for this homemade bread we will not use yeast, but the raising agent that we have just dissolved, so it is very important not to do without this ingredient.
  • In a bowl, melt the butter and mix it with the flour. We also add the egg and the previous water solution. It should be noted that in some countries force flour is known as flour 0.
  • We integrate everything until we get slightly sticky dough. At that moment, we pour it on the slightly floured table, nothing, a bit, and we knead helping ourselves with our fingers, from the ends to the center to add air. We do this in intervals of five minutes of kneading and one of resting the dough.
  • When almost nothing sticks anymore, we round it and leave it near a heat source covered with transparent film or with a clean cloth until it doubles or triples its size. We left it under a radiator for an hour, and this is what we got. Why near a heat source? Because it manages to make the dough catch more air and, therefore, rise better to obtain sponge bread in the microwave.
  • We knead the fermented dough again for five minutes, again from the ends to the center. Divide the dough into six portions, round each one and crush them to begin to form the homemade breads. We leave another 15 minutes covered.
  • We place them on a glass plate and put them in the microwave at 600W for 10 minutes in batches of three by three if the plate is about 18 cm like mine, because as they grow they expand a bit and if we don’t leave a hole some will stick to others. And ready to enjoy for breakfast on a Saturday. Serve your bread without oven and without yeast with a little strawberry jam, or the flavor that you like best.

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