Bread and chocolate pudding recipe

If you like traditional bread pudding, wait until you try this version with chocolate… it will become your favorite! With it you will be able to use two ingredients that are never lacking at home, especially if children live there: bread and chocolate.

Although the pudding is usually served during the Christmas holidays, the truth is that you can prepare it at any time of the year and enjoy its exquisite flavor and texture whenever you feel like it. Keep reading and discover how to make bread and chocolate pudding from this article.

Ingredients to make Chocolate Bread Pudding:

  • 400 grams of soft bread
  • 500 milliliters of milk
  • 150 grams of white sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 Teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 80 grams of semisweet chocolate
  • for the caramel
  • 100 grams of white sugar

How to make Chocolate Bread Pudding

  1. To start the recipe for bread and chocolate pudding, the important thing is to prepare the ingredientsin advance.
  2. A pudding is a kind of sweet cake that is made with eggs and milk and is usually cooked in a bain-marie.
  3. In this way, you should also have a saucepan, deep tray or any other heat-resistant container that is larger than the mold that you will use for the pudding.
  4. Add the crumbled soft breadinto a deep bowl. Then add the lemon zest, sugar, vanilla essence and milk. With the help of a hand mixer mix all the ingredients.
  5. Tip: You can also make the bread pudding with condensed milk and chocolate, substituting the whole milk for this one. Of course, reduce the amount of sugar.
  6. Add the eggs one by oneand beat to integrate them with the rest of the ingredients.
  7. Keep in mind that until you integrate the first egg you should not add the second.
  8. Add the sugar to the bottom of the moldand heat it in a bain-marie so that it melts and forms the caramel.
  9. Be very careful when doing this step, as you could burn yourself on the hot caramel. Reserve the mold off the heat for the caramel to cool.
  10. When the caramel is cold, add the bread dough, milk and eggs on it. Then, distribute the chopped chocolate throughout the pudding, as seen in the photograph. Thus, it will melt in the oven and integrate into the dough evenly.
  11. Another way to make chocolate flavored bread pudding is by adding cocoa powder to the bread dough and mixing well.
  12. Cook the bread and chocolate pudding in a bain-mariefor approximately 45 minutes. To do this, cover the mold and insert it into a larger saucepan filled with boiling water.
  13. You can also do this process in the oven, on a high-rimmed tray filled with water.
  14. When it’s ready, remove the mold from the water and let the pudding cool down to unmold it.
  15. Once cold, unmold the bread and chocolate puddingand decorate it with grated chocolate, whipped cream, whipped cream, meringue… whatever you like best! You can keep it in the fridge or fridge well covered and serve it as a dessert.
  16. Enjoy this delicacy!

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