Bonito recipe in partridge sauce

Ingredients to make Bonito in partridge sauce:

  • salted
  • Pepper
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 3 onion chopped in julienne
  • flower
  • 250 ml. virgin olive oil
  • 250 broth
  • 1 glass cognac
  • 1 glass dry wine
  • 8 nice steaks

How to make Bonito in partridge sauce:

  1. Partridge sauce Heat a saucepan with the oil (reserving a little).
  2. Add the onion and the bay leaf and let it fry slowly until it is well poached.
  3. Add the flour and then the white wine, letting it reduce a bit.
  4. Add the brother and after boiling the sauce is finished.
  5. Bonito After cleaning, the fillets are laminated (only the white part, since the black part and the bones are used to make the short broth that is used in the sauce).
  6. Heat a frying pan with a little oil and when it is hot, add the fillets with salt and pepper.
  7. Turn them over without allowing them to take on color, flambé with cognac, transfer to a casserole, pour the sauce over it and finally place in the oven for 5 minutes.
  8. It is served with some boiled potatoes and some chopped parsley.

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