Boneless Beef Brisket with Cheese

Ingredients to make Boneless Veal Brisket with Cheese:

  1. 1,200 g boneless Galician beef breast
  2. 2 dl of extra virgin olive oil
  3. 2 shallots
  4. 2 carrots
  5. 2 turnips
  6. 150g cheese
  7. 2 carrots
  8. 4dl of cream
  9. 2 dl of white wine
  10. Salt
  11. 1 bay leaf
  12. black pepper

How to make boneless beef brisket with cheese:

  • Season the meat on both sides.
  • Cut the vegetables into approximately 2 cm squares.
  • Brown the meat in a pot and add the vegetables with the wine and 2 dl of water, roast in the oven for approximately half an hour at 180o C. For the sauce, heat the cream until it boils and add the cheese over the cream and let it thicken, season with salt and pepper..

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