Bolognese Pizza Recipe

Pizza is a classic dish of Italian cuisine; it consists of a generally thin baked flatbread made with different ingredients and almost always with cheese. Today’s recipe is a delicious homemade Bolognese pizza that contains Neapolitan sauce, minced meat, mozzarella cheese and black olives, perfect to share with the family.

Ingredients to make Pizza Bolognese:

  1. pizza dough
  2. 300 grams of wheat flour
  3. 5 grams of dry yeast
  4. 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  5. 100 milliliters of Water
  6. 1 pinch of salt
  7. Deck
  8. 150 milliliters of Neapolitan willow
  9. 1 unit of white onion
  10. 250 grams of ground beef
  11. 150 grams of mozzarella cheese
  12. 50 grams of black olives
  13. 1 pinch of salt
  14. 1 pinch of Pepper
  15. 30 milliliters of olive oil

How to make Pizza Bolognese:

  • Before making this homemade pizza recipe, the first step is to prepare all the ingredients.
  • In a bowl add the lukewarm water with the dry yeast and a pinch of sugar, wait 5 minutes until the yeast is activated.
  • Separately, in a bowl add the wheat flour, make a volcano with it and sprinkle the salt on top (it is important that the salt does not directly touch the yeast as it can deactivate it and will not leaven the dough) and in the center add the activated yeast and the olive oil.
  • Mix everything by adding flour in the center of the volcano little by little. When we have an even mixture, knead for 15 minutes until smooth and homogeneous dough is obtained. In a floured bowl add the dough with a damp cloth on it and leave the bowl in a warm area and wait for the dough to rise, approximately 2 hours.
  • Apart in a frying pan with olive oil, fry the onion cut into small cubes with the ground meat, cook for 5 minutes, season with salt and pepper.
  • When the dough has risen, on a floured surface, degas it with your fingers (remove all the gas that the dough obtained during the rise), stretch the dough and fold the corners inwards, with a brush add a little Neapolitan sauce and prick it so it doesn’t inflate in the oven. Pre-bake the pizza for 5 minutes at 200 degrees C.
  • It is time to add more Neapolitan sauce, grated mozzarella cheese, ground meat and olives, bake for 10 more minutes at 200 degrees C.

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