Bolivian Spaghetti Recipe

Ingredients to make Bolivian Spaghetti:


  1. A packet of decree brand flat spaghetti
  2. canned tomato sauce or not
  3. mushrooms
  4. laurel
  5. carrot
  6. onion
  7. top quality ground beef
  8. salted
  9. Pepper
  10. oil
  11. to bread
  12. to bread
  13. to skimmer
  14. wooden pallet etc.

How to make Bolivian Spaghetti:

  • Step 1. – Put the pot to boil over low heat, when it is hot and not boiling, introduce the noodles or spaghetti into the pot and spread it around without breaking it.
  • Let them soak, these will deepen into the pot by themselves, you can add a tablespoon of oil and salt to taste so that it does not stick and form a dough
  • Step 2.- Fry the ground meat and drain it so that it is grainy, add salt to taste and pepper, it is not necessary that it be completely fried, better if it is medium rare, prepare it in a not very flat pan that can hold a certain amount of liquid without spilling it. Say it’s of medium height.
  • Step 3.- Chop the onion to taste and the carrot in the same way, fry them in the same pan as the meat but without mixing them, add water to half the pan and together with the tomato sauce (advice: you should try everything prepared so that the ingredients are really to taste.)
  • Dissolve the tomato sauce and mix with the ground meat and the zanier with onion, let it form a “taco” that is to say that the water with the seasonings should have a meat flavor salt pepper onion and carrot; It is when you should add the bay leaf and the mushroom to taste (advice.
  • The guar must be boiled but warm) let it simmer stirring everything without letting it stick to the pan, when it begins to thicken do not let it dry.
  • Step 4. – When the noodles are edible in the pot, turn off the heat and drain the water with a slotted spoon, leaving the noodles dry and hot.
  • SERVE: on a plate first the noodles with a height of 2 fingers, termonando in a little mountain, then 2 and a half spoons of taco with meat and its dressings without forgetting the mushroom and bay leaf.
  • to lick your fingers, you can accompany it with a glass of red wine

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