Blueberry Cake Recipe

Ingredients to make Blueberry Pie:

  1. 2 eggs
  2. 1 cup of fresh blueberries
  3. 4 tablespoons stevia
  4. Zest of 1 lemon
  5. 150 grams of common wheat flour
  6. 1 glass of milk
  7. 1 envelope of chemical yeast for biscuits

How to make Blueberry Pie:

  • If you prepare it in a bread maker, first remove the mold to avoid dirtying the resistance. If you want to do it in the oven, find a large bowl in which you can mix the cake batter. You can see all the steps of preparing it in the oven in our blueberry sponge cake recipe. Place the ingredients in this order: eggs, milk, oil, lemon zest, blueberries, stevia, and lastly, the flour. If you do it in the oven, start mixing the ingredients before adding the next one and make sure you mix the eggs well.
  • Add the yeast to the mold or bowl. In the event that you prepare it with a bread maker, program the machine for cakes, with medium toasting and a weight of 7.50 g.
  • The bread maker will begin to knead the mixture just as if you were doing it manually. If you don’t do it with a bread maker and you already have the homemade cake mix ready, pour it into a mold and put it in an oven previously heated to 180 ºC.
  • Trick: Before pouring the mixture, flour or cover the mold that you will use to bake the blueberry cake with oil.
  • If you prepare your blueberry cake in the oven, leave it for 15-20 minutes, checking regularly to see if it is ready. In the bread maker, you just have to wait for the program to finish; the machine will indicate it with a few beeps. Remove the mold from the bread maker to facilitate its cooling. When ready, carefully remove your blueberry cake. You can sprinkle icing sugar on top of the cake to decorate it.
  • Tip: If necessary, use a kitchen tongue to make it easier for the cake to come out without breaking.

Blueberry Pie – Nutrition Facts and Suggestions

Sweetened with stevia and made with oil, this blueberry muffin recipe is a healthy alternative to any sweet cravings that strike us. If you want to do without milk, you can also make blueberry cake with yogurt (125 g of Greek yogurt will be enough). You can also add shelled almonds to the preparation to make a blueberry cake even more personalized and to your liking.

Blueberries are wonderful for health. They are fruits rich in B vitamins, vitamin C, E and K, as well as being an excellent source of beta-carotene. For this and more, blueberries help prevent cardiovascular disease, strengthen defenses, fight urinary tract infections and stop colds. It is also one of the fruits with the lowest caloric content, containing only 46 calories per 100 g. Thanks to this and its satiating effect, blueberries are considered to be excellent allies for losing weight.

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