Blow job shot

Ingredients to make Blow job shot:

  • 15 milliliters of Amaretto
  • 15 milliliters of Baileys
  • 15 milliliters of Kailua

How to do blow job shot:

  1. To prepare this delicious shot we only need to serve the ingredients one by one. Amaretto is an almond liqueur, Kailua is a well-known Mexican coffee liqueur, and Baileys is one of the most famous whiskey creams on the market.
  2. You need a long shot glass, first add the coffee liqueur, then very slowly the amaretto and finally the whiskey cream.
  3. There are many recipes for this cocktail, so if you prefer you can substitute the amaretto or baileys for whipped cream and get a smoother shot. Drink the blow job cocktail in one gulp, without ice and health.

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