Meat and spinach cannelloni recipe

Do you fancy some cannelloni? In this recipe we are going to make…

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Recipe for Battered Mushrooms with Tartar Sauce

Making battered mushrooms is as simple as washing the mushrooms well, seasoning them…

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Oreo Pens Recipe

Did you know that Oreo cookies have been around for more than 100 years? During…

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Potato gratin with bacon recipe

These baked potatoes au gratin are the ideal accompaniment to include in Christmas recipes.…

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Chocolate cake recipe for 10 – 15 people

Ingredients to make Chocolate cake for 10 - 15 people: 4 L…

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Pincho movie recipe

Ingredients to make Pincho peli: Mussels Leeks Tomatoes Carrot Onion Garlic Port…

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Dorada recipe with tomato vinaigrette and spinach

Ingredients to make Dorada with tomato and spinach vinaigrette: 4 Gilthead servings…

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Corn Stew Recipe

Ingredients to make corn stew: Canned corn or 8 spikes Pumpkin a…

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Bream with soy recipe

Ingredients to make Soy Sea Bream: 1 teaspoon soy willow 2 lemons…

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Quiche Lorraine recipe with Thermo mix

Quiche Lorraine is a traditional French dish that has little to do…

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