Blended Cheese Fainá Recipe

The Italian migration had a decisive influence on the Uruguayan and Argentine cultures. One of the aspects where this influence stands out the most is in the gastronomy of these countries. In fact, there are many dishes from the American South Atlantic that are a direct expression of the European country, as is the case with this recipe for cheese fainá.

There are two versions of the fainá: one with wheat flour and the other with chickpea flour, and both are enjoyed in Uruguayan and Argentine lands. But, what does the fainá consist of? It is a kind of very spongy and soft flatbread, thanks to its almost liquid dough and without ferments. Fainá is excellent for breakfast, but it is also often bought in pizzerias to accompany this other Italian dish.

Discover with us how to make blended cheese fainá from home and surprise yourself with the smoothness, versatility and rich flavor of this preparation.

Ingredients to make blended cheese fainá:

• 175 grams of all-purpose wheat flour

• 2 eggs

• 120 grams of semi-cured cheese, soft but flavorful

• 30 milliliters of oil

• 500 milliliters of milk

• 1 dessert spoon of salt

• 1 pinch of pepper

How to make blended cheese fainá:

Preparing the fainá, or fainá, as they say in Uruguay, is quite simple. Of course, it all starts with gathering the ingredients and preheating the oven to 220°C.

Grate the cheese to make it easier to blend. Choose a robust cheese so that the fainá tastes better. Remember that if you make it with a low-salt cheese, you will have to salt the dough a little more and vice versa. Take all the liquid ingredients to the blender: milk, eggs and oil. Blend them until they are integrated.

Add the salt and pepper. If you like, you can also use oregano. Now add the flour. Blend everything very well to fully integrate the flour. Lastly, add the cheese. The final mix is very runny. This is the entire preparation of the blended cheese fainá, as you can see, it is quite easy and fast. Pour the mixture into a greased tray and bake for about 30 minutes.

After that time, you will know that your easy cheese fainá is ready because both the surface and the edges will be golden. Since it is such a liquid dough, if you insert the knife, it will not come out completely clean. Serve and enjoy!

Cheese fainá – Suggestions and other recipes

Do you want to enjoy the original flavor of the cheese fainá? So it is best to use chickpea flour and olive oil, as they have very characteristic flavors that will add a very special touch to the dish. You can also add chives before taking it to the oven.

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