Blackberry jam recipe

Who does not know those delicious berries called blackberries? In many areas of the planet they grow wild, usually in the forests, with a maturation process that goes from intense green to characteristic purple, going through a reddish-pink.

With its beautiful appearance and its sweet and sour taste, the blackberry is used to make many desserts and sauces for meats. However, if there is a recipe with this fruit that stands out above the rest, it is the jam. For breakfast, to decorate cakes or to cook any type of meat, this jam is perfect. Stay in this article and discover with us how to make blackberry jam, you will see that we will add an irresistible special touch.

Ingredients to make blackberry jam:

  • 400 grams of blackberries
  • 1 small glass of brown sugar
  • 1 small glass of orange honey (optional)
  • juice of half a lemon
  • 50 milliliters of water
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla essence (optional)

How to make Blackberry Jam:

  1. Place the blackberries in an airtight container and add the sugar, honey, lemon and, finally, the vanilla if you want to give it a different and special touch.
  2. Cover the container and take it to the fridge for at least twelve hours so that the fruit macerates and releases its natural juices.
  3. It is important that the blackberry jam contains sugar to extend the conservation time and that it remains in good condition.
  4. Trick: You can substitute honey for sugar, as well as use the type of sugar that you like best.
  5. Once the rest time has elapsed, take the blackberries out of the fridge and place them in a saucepan with boiling water.
  6.  Add the entire contents of the container to enhance the flavor and make the most of the blackberry juices.
  7. Cook the fruit over medium heat for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally to integrate and soften the blackberry. If it needs more time, you can let it cook until you see that it is soft and juicy.
  8. Tip: Depending on the degree of ripeness and the size of the blackberry, the cooking time varies.
  9. Crush the jam to your liking according to the texture you want to achieve. And for an even finer texture, pass it through a potato mill or Chinese strainer.
  10. Once crushed, you can store it in jars to keep it for several months or use it daily stored in the fridge for a few weeks.
  11. This blackberry jam recipeis delicious on toast, but it is also ideal for filling a sponge cake. As a recommendation, prepare a lemon cake and fill it with it, spectacular!
  12. Trick: The thickness of the jam is acquired once it has cooled.


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