Black pudding and apple croquettes recipe

Black pudding and apple croquettes, a perfect combination! One of the star dishes of Spanish gastronomy is the croquette, with its juicy interior and crispy exterior. This recipe allows us to take advantage of leftovers from other dishes, as well as try combinations of ingredients that we might not otherwise be able to enjoy. Therefore, there are endless croquette recipes that exist.

On this occasion, we have prepared some delicious blood sausage croquettes with apple, a recipe that offers us a truly incredible contrast between salty and sweet. Stay, discover how to make black pudding and apple croquettes and surprise your guests with a different appetizer.

Ingredients to make black pudding and apple croquettes:

• 180 grams of black pudding

• 1 apple

• 40 grams of flour

• 40 grams of butter

• 400 milliliters of milk

• 2 eggs

• 200 grams of breadcrumbs

• 1 glass of oil for frying

• 1 pinch of pepper

• 1 pinch of nutmeg

How to make black pudding and apple croquettes:

Peel the apple and cut half into small pieces. Separately, remove the skin from the blood sausage and crumble or chop it. Take a large frying pan, add 2 tablespoons of oil and, when hot, sauté the black pudding and the apple. If you want, you can add a pinch of sugar to make the black pudding and caramelized apple croquettes.

Tip: if the black pudding has onion, you don’t need to put it, but if it doesn’t, you can poach half an onion before sautéing the blood sausage.

Add 40 g of butter and let it melt. Once discarded, add the flour and stir to cook a little. Heat the milk in the microwave. When it is hot, add a part of the milk, stir until it is integrated and continue adding milk until you get a lump-free and thick dough that comes off the pan. Salt taste and rectify if necessary. You can add pepper or a little nutmeg, but very little, if you want to enhance the flavor of the black pudding and apple croquettes. Transfer the dough to a bowl and let it cool in the fridge. When the dough is cold, prepare a plate with the breadcrumbs and another with the beaten eggs. Form the croquettes with two spoons or with your own hands, giving them the shape you like best. Then pass them first through the egg and then through the breadcrumbs.

Heat a frying pan with plenty of oil. When hot, fry the black pudding and apple croquettes in small batches to prevent them from sticking. You should cook them until they are golden brown. Place the croquettes on a plate lined with kitchen paper to absorb excess oil.

When all the croquettes are ready, transfer them to a bowl and serve them. You can enjoy this delicious recipe for black pudding and apple croquettes as an appetizer accompanied by your favorite sauce.

With what to accompany the black pudding and apple croquettes:

If you liked the idea of serving them accompanied by a sauce, but you don’t know which sauce to choose, we recommend the following:

• Cabrales sauce

• Alioli with milk

• Honey mustard sauce

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