Black Beans with Rice Recipe

The black beans from Tools are very famous and wonderful dishes are prepared with them, such as the famous dish of black beans with chorizo, a dish that we will make today and to which we will also add rice, following the most traditional recipe.

If you feel like a good stew, don’t hesitate, go ahead and buy black beans and discover the flavor they keep, it’s great! After you try the recipe for black beans with rice, you will surely be encouraged to try other similar ones or create your own dishes by changing ingredients to your liking.

Ingredients to make Black Beans with Rice:

  • 300 grams of Tools Beans
  • 250 grams of round rice
  • 1 leek
  • Sausages to taste
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 onion
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 1 pinch of salt and white pepper

How to make Black Beans with Rice:

1 As with any other type of grain, when cooking Tools beans, it is important to soak them overnight before preparing the recipe.

2 The next day, drain well through a colander and then place them in a large saucepan or pot, covering with cold water. A liter and a half of water should be enough.

Add a splash of oil, a pinch of salt and let them boil over medium high heat.

3 Meanwhile, wash and peel the carrots, cut them in half and add them to the pot. We keep cooking for half an hour.

On the other hand, prick the chorizos and also incorporate them into the pot.

4 While that first half hour passes, we take the opportunity to peel and chop the leak into fine rings; the same with the onion and garlic that we will finely chop.

We make a base sauce with these ingredients, sautéing over low heat with two tablespoons of oil, salt and pepper, for ten minutes.

5 At this point, we wash the rice to remove a little starch, drain it well with the strainer and put it in the pot.

To make these braised black beans we have used round rice, but you can use any other type of grain that you have on hand.

6 Finally, we incorporate the sauce that we have made in previous steps and remove the pot by shaking the handles; the ideal is not to put any spoon or utensil inside to avoid breaking the beans.

7 Taste the sauce and correct the seasoning if necessary. Let cook for half an hour more and when this time passes, let rest for 10-15 minutes before serving.

8 After this time we will be able to enjoy a good dish of black beans with rice. Remember that you must serve it in a clay pot with the whole chorizos that is the most traditional way, enjoy!

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