Black Beans Recipe

Black beans are none other than beans or black beans, but in Venezuela they are known as beans and are part of the basic diet of all Venezuelans.

If you like legumes and enjoy powerful dishes such as Austrian bean stew or some good lentils, you can’t stop trying this variety of beans, because beans, if they are made with a good base sauce, are a delicacy.

Pay attention to the recipe and enjoy eating a delicious plate of Venezuelan black beans, you won’t regret it!

Ingredients to make Black Beans:

  • 10 cups of Water (2400 milliliters)
  • 2 cups of black beans
  • 1 unit of red paprika
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 3 tablespoons of oil
  • 1 unit of chopped onion
  • 3 units of chopped sweet pepper
  • 1 head of Garlic crushed
  • 1 dessert spoon of Cumin

How to make Black Beans:

1 In a large pot, pour the water over the beans and let them soak for a maximum of 12 hours and a minimum of 5 hours. Caritas are black beans or beans, also known as black beans.

2 On the day of preparation, in the same pot, add the paprika, previously julienned, and cook over medium heat for an hour and a half or until softened. This process can be much faster if we use an express or pressure cooker, but it is not essential.

When the beans are soft, season with a pinch of salt to taste.

3 Apart, we make a sauce of onion, chili and garlic with a few drops of oil. Cut everything finely or into larger pieces if you want to feel them inside the beans and cook until the vegetables are done.

Season with a pinch of cumin and remove from heat. The base so Frito for beans can vary according to taste, so do not hesitate if you want to add or change any ingredient on the list.

4 To finish, add the sauce to the pot with the beans and keep cooking by lowering the heat to a minimum. Continue like this for about 10 minutes and that’s it.

The black beans can be served drier or with more broth to taste, just as if it was a plate of lentils with vegetables. Likewise, you can also add any type of meat.

Trick: It is always recommended to leave a little broth in the beans so that they are tastier.

5 Black beans are ideal to accompany any type of dish, meat, white rice with slices of banana or whatever comes to mind. We love to eat them with some good Venezuelan areas. To enjoy!

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