Biscuit glacé with chocolate recipe

The biscuit glacé is a type of ice cream or rather an ice cream cake that, unlike other desserts of this type, is made from eggs. This recipe of French origin is nothing more than a frozen dessert with a very original presentation.

Surprise everyone at home with a French pastry recipe, a soft and different ice cream and you will see that it does not have any complications. Let’s go with the recipe for the famous biscuit glacé with chocolate and give your palate a treat.

Ingredients to make Biscuit glacé with chocolate:

  • 500 milliliters of cream or milk cream
  • 125 grams of vanilla sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tablet of fondant dark chocolate

How to make Biscuit glacé with chocolate:

  1. To make our biscuit glacé ice cream, we must start by beating the cream until it is half assembled.
  2. For this recipe you need to use electric beaters.
  3. At this point, add the sugarand continue beating until the milk cream is completely assembled.
  4. If you don’t have vanilla sugar, you can use regular sugar along with a teaspoon of vanilla essence.
  5. Separate the yolks from the egg whites and then add only the yolks to the whipped cream.
  6. Add them one by one, fully integrating the first before adding the next. Booking.
  7. In this step, use a spatula, the electric mixer is no longer necessary.
  8. On the other hand, we mount the whites until stiff.
  9. When we have them, we incorporate them into the previous mixture, stirring everything with soft and enveloping movements so as not to lose air.
  10. Empty our biscuit glacé mixture into a mold and take this to the freezer for 12 hours.
  11. After this time, just before serving, melt the chocolate in the microwave, in 30-second intervals and bathe each portion of biscuit glacé.
  12. You can finish decorating with some mint leaves or vanilla branches if you want the dessert to be gourmet.
  13. The biscuit glacé with chocolatethat you have just prepared is an ideal recipe for special occasions such as Valentine’s dinner, since it is a very elegant dessert.

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