Benefits of eating raw garlic on an empty stomach

Since ancient times, garlic has been a super food used for multiple ailments due to its reputation for keeping diseases at bay. Today, with science, it continues to be prescribed as a natural and homemade alternative for multiple pathologies, being recommended on an empty stomach, since it is said that its antibiotic properties are more powerful against bacteria in the morning.

In addition to giving our food an incomparable taste, it can become our ally for diseases that threaten us and in this article we will show you all the benefits of taking raw garlic on an empty stomach.

Properties and benefits of eating raw garlic

Garlic is a food with a magnificent nutritional composition, which has multiple healing properties that favor the general health of our body. The most prominent are the following:

  • Garlic is excellent for curing flu and respiratory problems due to its decongestant and antiviral power. Thanks to its antibiotic properties, it is indicated for bronchial tubes with a lot of phlegm or sinusitis.
  • For people who are suffering from liver problems, it is highly recommended due to its detoxifying qualities. It is highly recommended to eliminate drug residues that our liver cannot process and purify the body of heavy metals. In addition, it is rich in vitamins A, B and C., which are essential for good liver function.
  • It is rich in vitamins C and B6, making it a great source of nutrients but with very low calories, so it is advisable to consume garlic on an empty stomach to lose weight, as long as it is accompanied by a healthy lifestyle.
  • It is an anticoagulant par excellence due to its high content of vitamin B, essential for the reduction of homocysteine. High levels of said compound generate blood coagulation, thrombi and a greater probability of suffering from cardiovascular pathologies.

All these properties of raw garlic translate into multiple benefits for our body, such as the following:

  • If you are a person with a weak immune system, consuming a clove of garlic on an empty stomach may be your solution. Due to its antibiotic properties, it is indicated to improve the symptoms of the flu, cure us of minor infections, promote good healing and strengthen our defenses.
  • For a smooth, youthful and radiant skin, consuming garlic on an empty stomach without chewing is an excellent option. Thanks to its antioxidant powers, it is indicated to regenerate the skin, protect it and renew it. It is also indicated for people who suffer from acne.
  • Digestion is also favored by the benefits of raw garlic on an empty stomach, since it is ideal for stimulating the production of gastric juices, making food digest much better and faster. It also improves the functioning of the pancreas and liver.

Is eating raw garlic bad?

Consuming raw garlic on an empty stomach is not bad, however, and like everything, it is bad in excess and for certain people with specific pathologies:

  • Because it contains so much iodine, garlic is not recommended for people with hyperthyroidism.
  • People with blood pressure problems, specifically hypotension, are not recommended.
  • Patients who consume anticoagulant drugs or who have circulatory problems including iron anemia. Remember that garlic optimizes this function and could present spillage problems on a daily basis.

How to eat raw garlic?

We recommend that you do not exceed your consumption to more than one per day. And if you develop unusual symptoms, stop taking it and see your GP.

Is it good to eat raw garlic on an empty stomach to lose weight?

Thanks to the excellent benefits that garlic provides to lower cholesterol and triglycerides, it is indicated for people who want to lose those extra kilos. To do this, consume 1 clove of raw garlic on an empty stomach with a glass of water afterwards and if you feel that the smell is very penetrating, you can help yourself with sprigs of parsley to neutralize it, since this is an excellent remedy if you wonder how to eat raw garlic and it doesn’t smell.

Properties of raw garlic to lose weight

As we said in the previous sections, raw garlic is a powerful natural detoxifier, so it helps us cleanse the body and purge it of the toxins that accumulate in it. On the other hand, being anti- inflammatory and having important digestive properties, it allows us to reduce, above all, the volume of the abdominal area. For this last point, we recommend reviewing the 10 fruit juices to lose weight fast.

Of course, despite the fact that the properties of raw garlic for weight loss are encouraging, it should be noted that without a balanced and adapted diet, without performing adequate exercise and without a healthy lifestyle in general, eating raw garlic on an empty stomach only does not will achieve the desired effects.

How to eat raw garlic on an empty stomach with lemon?

In addition to consuming it alone, we can prepare a cleansing solution with raw garlic that includes lemon. Fasting garlic with lemon is excellent for alkalizing our body and cleaning it of impurities. Although it can be eaten raw or chewed with lemon water, here we will tell you a very good recipe for you to put into practice:


  • 1 lemon
  • 1 head of garlic
  • 1 liter of water


  1. Peel the garlic cloves and cut them into small pieces.
  2. Cut the lemon into slices.
  3. Pour the water into a pot and add the garlic and lemon.
  4. Let it boil for 15 minutes and rest.
  5. Consume 1 glass of the preparation daily before breakfast.

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